Medicinal Herbs: Yarrow Benefits

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Yarrow is one of those multi purpose medicinal herbs, to list all of its many benefits would practically take a whole book to write. When I do a profile on an herb, I am usually listing only a few of its benefits in hopes to encourage other gardeners and medicinal herb enthusiasts into further investigation and consideration as an addition to their gardens.

Parts used from the yarrow: Flowers and leaves


One of the things I find the most interesting about the yarrow is it is one of those amphoteric herbs. This means it goes to the parts of the body where it is most needed and brings balance. This was something I only recently learned and was very excited by that. I add dried yarrow leaves and flowers to my herbal tea blend that we have almost nightly because of its calming and sleep inducing properties, but now learning that it is also amphoteric, I know that getting that bit in our nightly regimen has more value than just helping us to sleep.


Other properties of the yarrow is that it is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent. As a wash or poultice, it is excellent for skin related problems such as eczema, rashes, burns, scrapes, cuts, bruises, and sprains. Because it is styptic, it will stop bleeding both externally and internally. It is also wonderful for curing infections of all kinds. I once made an eye wash out of the yarrow leaves for my poor dog who had a bad eye infection and it cleared it right up. I was so amazed at how fast it worked.


When taken as a tea or a tincture, it is helpful for coughs, cold, flus, allergies, and relieving cramps.

Yarrow is also a great bug repellent, especially for mosquitoes. The interesting thing about this is you may likely find it growing near places were mosquitoes are abundant so it is handy where needed. After growing it for myself and becoming familiar with it, I have since been to campgrounds and parks where I happened to find it growing wild.

Hope you enjoyed this post and for those interested, be sure to check out the video I recently did on yarrow at the very top of this post . Hope you all have a beautiful and productive day! ~Heidi

NOTE: I am NOT a doctor nor pretend to be one. Nothing I say should be used to replace professional medical counseling! Also, PLEASE do your OWN research!

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Great and wonderful stuff! Keep on doin' what you do. Love learning about such things.

Thanks for sharing. We need more natural remedies :)

I was going crazy trying to remember the name of this plant! It grows pretty well around the trails by my house by the pond.
So much good info! Thanks for sharing and a lovely day to you⭐️

Resteemit to get the word out on this awesome herbal healer yarrow!

thanks never heard of it before need to check it out

One of my favourite plants. Useful and pretty. The stalks are also used for casting the i ching.

I love this herb! I have it all over my Homestead. Thanks for sharing!

I love yarrow and all you are sharing with us! Upvoted and resteemed!