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RE: What's on Your Plate?

in #health8 years ago

Happy Health to you💞@marcaprio great blog post! And I agree with your sugar intake and that should be decreased and substitute sweetners should most definately be eliminated. However.... we need fat ( good fats ) for our brains to function well. I truly believe everything in moderation. My husband and I eat mainly meat and veggies.....fruits and good oils. A good fat is butter from grass fed cows, a good source of bromaline, which is great for inflammation. Also bromaline is found in Pineapple. Coconut oil is a fabulous healthy fat. Please don't deprive yourself of the good foods we have available to us.


Hello rainwalle!
I would say yes, healthy fats are good, but the quantities that the human body needs are very small, and you can get those from nuts, the coconut oil that you had already mentioned, and few other sources. Myself, in the article, I was referring to animal fat , that's something not needed at all. The key, indeed is moderation, and that's a universally valid point, not only in nutrition. As far as fruits and veggies goes, you got my total support there, I think these are the best choices. there are many yummy foods out there, you just have to make a healthy choice, and the sooner the better.

I'm glad you liked my article, and keep healthy, that's most important!!