Considering what's a natural diet

in #health8 years ago (edited)

It seems pretty simple. The problem is since most people have been eating a certain way their whole life, they may not have considered this idea.

Could it be cooked food is not a natural and ideal diet for people? Do animals out in the wild cook their food? Do they experience the diseases that people get? Yet for some reason our pets experience some of the same diseases as people. Is it because people feed them cooked and processed food too?

Does cooking and processing food damage vitamins and minerals and destroys enzymes? Does it turn the food into a poison?

When people cook are they creating hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of new molecules that could be considered toxic to the body?

There might be strong evidence that the body considers cooked food toxic. "Leukocytosis is an excessive rise in the white blood cell count, if foods are heated between 120 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit. That was Dr. Paul Kouchakoff findings of this phenomenon in 1930. He did over 300 experiments at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne, Switzerland.
What he discovered was, after a person eats cooked food, their blood reacts immediately increasing the white blood cell count. This is called "digestive leukocytosis."
Eating raw food did not cause this reaction. Also, when a food had been processed (refined, added chemicals, etc.), that always caused a increase in the number of white cells in the blood." (Scource:

Cooking food also helps us to eat foods that are not part of the natural diet for people.

People would have a hard time eating grains without cooking them. People eat meat by cooking it. Could this be signs that nature did not intend people to eat these foods?

Transitioning to a Raw Vegan Diet

Understanding Cravings/ food addiction

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”


Hi Rawinhabitant,

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

So, true!

Adoption of cryptocurrency and other blockchain innovations may lead to abandonment of the current status quo. Just like the simple act of eating fruit, might lead to a whole new lease on life and no desire to re-connect with the SAD diet and its inevitable consequences. In other words, another way to change an existing reality is to consciously and intentionally choose another reality and experience the benefits of the new reality first-hand.

That's what happened to my Aunt Brenda after she learned of my raw fruit consumption.. She started choosing fruit as her daily fare and very shortly thereafter, she experienced diarrhea and abdominal pain almost as high as her sternum . She reached out asking if this was a normal reaction. She assured me she was cleaning her fruit well. I explained that was the most potent and energetic food we could consume and it was working its magic loosening the plaque build-up on her intestinal walls. Her body was beginning to unload years of build-up in a rather dramatic way! To slow the cleansing down, I suggested adding cooked vegetables to her new diet of choice. She let me know that this solution helped. She lost 5 pounds in 3 or 4 days! She was pleased and amazed. No more suppositories for her and as long as she has a high raw fruit diet--remembering to clear the fruit well before consuming it, eating high transit foods before slow transit foods, and eating vegetables to avoid the discomfiting diarrhea that a diet of 100% raw fruit triggered in her--her chances of (1)optimizing her health and (2)avoiding scary diagnoses and scarier treatments (not cures) were extremely high.

​Niamaat​ aka Teacher Nia aka Prima Nia
English Language Coach and
Translator (Spanish to English)
[email protected]

P.S. “Be great because nothing else pays.” -– Grant Cardone

Thank you for sharing your Aunt's experience with changing her diet.

Welcome to Steemit! I look forward to your posts.

Thank you, rawinhabitant. :)

Great post @rawinhabitant. I haven't watched the videos but hope to get the chance to soon.

This subject is of great interest to me and I share a lot of the sentiments you express in your words by questioning what it is we should be eating and how we should be preparing it.

I am not the man to give advice on this topic as my diet is far from the best but I do believe you are onto something. From my own research I have discovered that heating our food is indeed bad for us. By doing so we are losing a lot of the benefits as you describe. Microwaves are a definite no as I think I am right in saying they do something to the water molecules inside the food like invert the chemical make up of the molecule so that instead of being a h2o molecule it becomes a o2h . Something like that. I am shooting from the hip here, :) Also I'm pretty sure they have never been allowed in Russia which may or may not be interesting.

I have also come across information regarding eating one meal a day as a positive for the body because it allows optimum time for food to be properly digested rather than eating 3 meals a day plus snacks which means your body is in a constant state or food processing and is never allowed adequate time to rest and recover from this.

If you want to go further there are vegetarians, fruitarians and even breatharians who do not consume food at all yet still live energy high lifestyles.

And if you want to go further still there are those that promote slightly more hard to accept methods for keeping a healthy body such as those who believe in the wonders of urine therapy.:)

How open minded are you? :)

I myself am a vegetarian and have been for about a year or so. I am tempted every day by the familiar aromas of my past and it would be so easy to fall off of the wagon for a day or a week or a lifetime where it not for the fact that I have come to understand that the animals with which we share this world are our brothers and sisters and when we eat their flesh we cast a shadow on our own souls!

These are my thoughts and not intended to cause any offence to anyone who continues to eat meat!

I have pocked around online and learned some about those very same topic except for the microwave and water thing. I'll look into that. I have learned that the microwaves basically destroys food more so then just cooking it on the stove.
I do remember seeing something about a man who had figured out he could light salt water while microwaving it and it would burn. I wonder if by microwaving the water it splits the hydrogen and oxygen in some way.

Great way to present something. Introduce a topic and ask questions about it. Well done. People eating clean diets are always so clear when you see them and hear them. Skin, eyes the sound of their voice, etc. There definitely is something to it.Am resteeming this. Hope people see it.

Thanks jiva.