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RE: How To Combat Depression (Part Two)

in #health8 years ago

@magick323 this post is a perfect example of what I like about you. Reading the comments.. you are ok with how people are.. no worries.. for some reason it made NIrvana, "Come as you are" song come to mind..
wow that's deep and before I lost my ability to comment momentarily, lol ask @kendewitt


Yes. That song fits!! I accept people as they are. Too many judgmental people in the world and you know what? All judgments come from within. When someone claims to hate me, I know that they really hate themselves. I love 'em anyway. I'll usually reply with something like, "I am just a mirror for you, because this is all about you."

well there you go.. my husband and I were talking the other day.. there are some people in our neighborhood that bug us.. we know we are them or it would not bug us.. LOL

That's a funny way of looking at it haha

What you see in others is in yourself... hard one to swallow sometimes.