
We are constantly reminded to vaccinate from pregnancy, birth, into our elderly years and keep our vaccines up to date. Flu season we see advertisements at every grocery store to pharmacy, and in our media advertisements. We can get a flu shot anywhere. The school season starts with notifications to American families that vaccinations are required to enroll in school mandated through various states.

We are compelled to vaccinate or face expulsion from school or our job. This is the only drug that is mandated by our governments Department of Health and Human Services, which also manages the National Vaccine Injury Compensation program, NVICP.

Very little money has been spent on educating parents on the NVICP and adverse effects of vaccines. While millions of dollars are spent on spreading the pro-vaccine message. People who work within the NVICP never speak about their work, very few people know about the Vaccine Court, many think it’s just a conspiracy. No one that works in the Vaccine Court speaks out about what they know unless they leave their job and don’t have to worry about their career. Most of the public think vaccines are safe and no one is injured through adverse reactions. I didn’t know how horrible the injuries were and how many injuries happen every year until I started researching for my Steemit articles.

As I wrote in my previous article Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee tried to hold hearings on the NVICP in the fall of 2013. The Vaccine pushers pulled some strings and shut down the congressional investigation.

The reality of vaccine injury was hidden from the public again. I will be writing about personal vaccine injury cases that I found while researching for this series. The reason I have written about this subject is because of the controversy, one side states vaccines are safe and the people who have injuries friends and family or they have suffered injuries have petitioned over and over again throughout court system vaccines are not safe. Which side is right?
One side states vaccines are safe and I have found vaccines are far from safe and people have lied about their safety. If there are lies and cover-ups something nefarious is going on and I do not want to be forced into buying products that cause injuries. I should have the right to choose what I want to use for my health and safety. If one person is injured or killed for the good of others is wrong. It’s like playing Russian roulette with people’s lives, safety and health.

Clearly vaccine injuries happen and people have lied when they state vaccines are safe and have never injured anyone. In the past public disclosures on vaccine injuries have lead to improved safety measures in manufacturing, transportation, and administration of vaccines safety and effectiveness.
Public education an awareness encouraging dialogue on vaccine injury is important. This will encourage manufacturers and our medical community to keep improving vaccine safety.

We would not allow any industry to harm people from faulty products, an exception is the chemical industry. If the aviation industry killed an injured as many people as vaccines have we would have the National Transportation Safety Board investigation and analyzing every little bit of data and publishing their findings. We need the same standards for our vaccine industry.
If symptoms of vaccine injuries are withheld from the public we will not be able to identify symptoms and save our loved ones from further injury. We need full details and documents on how to file injury claims up front when we receive our vaccinations. We buy auto and flight insurance, why can’t we buy insurance for vaccine injuries?
We need a open vaccine injury reporting system. The NVICP is the only venue for filing claims for vaccine injury. That system is broken, the interpretation of the 1986 Act by the United States Supreme Court in the Brusewitze case excluded all other civil remedies regarding our civil rights.

At this moment if someone suffers a vaccine injury there is very little one can do when seeking compensation and justice. The only remedy I see is to educate oneself and avoid vaccines until our vaccine programes become open and transparent regarding vaccine injury and compensation.
- Our Sugar Addiction and The Slave Trade
- For The Greater Good
- All Female Mutants Are Here!
- Soil and Gut Health
- Where Did The First Anti Vaxxers Come From?
- History Of Vaccines Series-Ten
- History Of Vaccines Series-Nine
- History Of Vaccine Series-Eight
- History Of Vaccine Series-Seven
- History Of Vaccine Series-Six
- History Of Vaccine Series-Five
- History Of Vaccine Series-Four
- History Of Vaccine Series-Three
- History Of Vaccine Series-Two
- History Of Vaccine Series-One
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Nice and educational post about vaccines. It's true that vaccines have adverse side effects, but there are advantages as well.
Thank you for continuing to bring this important issue to light. We must wake up to these insane regulations and ask ourselves if what we are doing is really good for our children. Seems like the government is having another agenda to this topic than the well-being of our people.
Much needed post. Although vaccine is effective again particular disease but i've heard that it is not 100 % confirmed about its effectiveness that wether it will beat the disease or not. Some people knows the secret facts of vaccines.
Although vaccines may help many people, vaccines have been shown to injury and kill many people as well...from my research the way to beat disease is increase standards of living, safe and clean food and water, no war or famines, educated people on proper hygiene and nutrition.
Exactly the more the education will be common the more people will know about hygenic conditions and the ways to be safe from certain diseases. Good point.
your post about the vaccines are very educational and it is not that you want to speak badly of the vaccines you just want to give a good information that can be safe but at the same time many people the vaccines do damage. Everything is like this has its good side and its bad side. What does not seem right to me is that they demand vaccines so that a child can go to school
After researching the history of vaccines and the vaccine court I question the need for vaccines and government involvement. From what I found in research clean housing, proper nutrition, no wars/famine, proper hygiene and waste disposal are what caused the decline in infectious diseases not vaccines. The government has no right to mandate the public to buy drugs or any other product in a free country.
The greatest defense of thimerosal-containing vaccinations is "This substance contains ethyl mercury, and it takes a very short time to remove the ethyl mercury from the body.The most dangerous is methyl mercury. But people do not want to take risks. I think that's the right thing." And thank you for this beautiful information. @reddust
@turkishcrew there is still thermisol in the flu vaccine and you wouldn't believe what else is in the vaccines, the ingredients are horrifying and accumulative. I will be writing articles on the immune system and ingredients in vaccines. Thank you for supporting my efforts @turkishcrew
I have truly enjoyed your vaccine series an have learned. Thanks @reddust.
Thank you for supporting my efforts. I think my writing and research skills are improving as well. This is the biggest gift steemit has given me besides the awesome people I have met.
That is quite the apropos statement.
If the actors in the pushing of vaccines were not hiding something, then they would be open to publishing the side effects and injuries.
And when actually looked into, many of these diseases we are trying to inoculate against aren't much worse than a cold. With proper sanitation, lots of fluids and bed rest, we have higher percentage survival rate than the survival rate of vaccines.
I hope that someone soon works out how to take all the poisons out of vaccines so we can begin testing on the efficacy of the actual vaccine.
That is the point of the series, why a vaccine court if vaccines are safe and why vaccinate against diseases that are no worse than the flu and cold. There are two answers I came up with, profit and disease management. There is no huge profits when the population is health and happy.
Doctors being as bored as the Maytag repairman shown in the commercials
that would be a future to look forward to.
Vaccine is an effective means to protect against some serious diseases.
Thanks to the vaccine, smallpox has disappeared, while other diseases, such as poliomyelitis, have become very rare. To ensure and maintain protection against these diseases it is necessary to take appropriate vaccines
Through research I found infectious diseases like smallpox have disappeared because of hygiene/waste disposal programs, safe housing, better nutrition, and lack of wars and famine. Vaccines were introduced when all infectious diseases were declining.
You may be in some poor countries
To even question vaccines and your labeled as a nut job :/. Ty Resteemed
I've been told since I was a small child I an a nut job for speaking out against unfairness and things that don't make sense to me. Thank you @weirdheadaches
good post brother.
How are you.
why do not you reply to my comment ... ??
am i guilty with you
This write up as cllearly talk about the negative effect vaccination among the population.
My question
I know vaccines are being used to prevent outbreak of diseases and to cub spreading of diseases.
The use of vaccine have help reduce diseases like smallpox, chickenpox and other diseases which were rampant during the black old age especially in Africa.
According to your write up, something are not also to be neglected, issues like forcing vaccine on parent should be investigated and those company should called to question.
This can not be considered trivial, especially if the vaccine you are referring to contains chemicals, if wrong use would be very fatal for a person's body, my advice before doing it should be someone to understand about this vaccine, and should ask directly to people who are experts in the this ^^
The most important health in life :)
Thanks for writing about this important topic. I believe we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to vaccine injury. The way how vaccines are brought to the market with barely any testing is a joke and should not be allowed. We definitely need more transparency and vaccine manufacturers should be made accountable again so they would have some incentive to actually make safe vaccines (if such thing exists).
This topic makes people lose their minds from cognitive dissonance. If vaccines injure people, which they do (otherwise the NVICP wouldn't exist), then that means government doesn't care about us. Some people can't handle that, so they choose to suppress the information proving vaccines are harmful.
Mandatory vaccination laws are coming - both for kids and adults. Research Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
I can't believed it.What a great story man.
Thanks to share.
Thanks for wonderful posting mate. I've just started #steemit and post some #IT related things. Let's follower togethet and share good ideas👍
Much needed post. Although vaccine is effective again particular disease but i've heard that it is not 100 % confirmed about its effectiveness that wether it will beat the disease or not. Some people knows the secret facts of vaccines.
Personally when I was in high school
The vaccination was forced upon us
We were forced to vaccinate
The manager told us either to be expelled or expelled from school
All the students met
In the reading room we were vaccinated there
Being up to date with our vaccines and those of our children is paramount to prevent diseases that can damage our health. They must be placed every so often with their respective reinforcements. Thanks for sharing. I will follow you.
I would be pleased to have your help and vote in my publications. Thank you.
Great information I appereciate you Thanks for sharing this keep it up I wish you all the best
Informative post
Learnt something new 👍
great informative post,good for helth
i like your post,thanks
I like all of your stuff because your content type is very educational
very important post @reddust
Very nice information about is wealth.....Flu season is an annually recurring time period characterized by the prevalence of outbreaks of Influenza (flu). The season occurs during the cold half of the year in each hemisphere.
this is a very appropriate way to be able to live healthy, I am very supportive in that way
the injection is better for preventing disease anywhere in school.
@fassalchahid it has been shown that antibodies are only a reaction to foreign material that shouldn't be in the body and have nothing to do with immunity.