For The Greater Good
If A Few Die Who Cares?
Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
Nuremberg and Helsinki gridlines eventually became the ethical guidelines for evidence based medicine and science. Whether they follow these guidelines can and should be argued. I will be giving examples why we need to question medicine and science. A few years after World War ll when a many unethical experiments were done to humans. I wonder if this was because many Nazi scientist and doctors were given positions within our government and universities?
Also the pharmaceutic industry was growing exponentially. The pharmaceutical market was producing massive amounts of new chemical types of medicine, like chemotherapy. Massive profits were being made not only with chemical based medicines but also with new surgical techniques from the war, which were integrated into hospital surgeries. Ethical restrictions through public outcry were put into effect, doctors and scientists found ingenious ways around the ethical restrictions."Nazi Influence on America's Pharmaceutical Industry."
Prisoners became the largest testing group by 1960 there were at least 20,000 prisoners in Federal US prisons that had become the volunteers for experiments. The prisons were perfect testing sites because of the restricted environment allowed 24/7 monitoring. Life styles and movements of prisoners were limited. Prisoners were easy to manipulate because of their lack of freedom. The Oklahoma State Penitentiary made lucrative deals with drug companies and provided the biggest
For becoming basically a lab rat for testing medical products prisoners were given a small amount of money and the doctors participating in the program made up to $300.000 a year. The pharmaceutical industry had no problem convincing prisoners to become test subjects and were easy to monitor because they were in a prison. The Ohio State prison inmates were injected with live cancer cells, while in Chicago doctors injected prisoners with the blood of leukemia patients. Both groups suffered no ill effects but at that time no one knew what would happen. Bluntly speaking the medical doctors didn’t know if the inmates would live or die or if they survived how long they would suffer from side effects.
The Pennsylvania Holsburg prison nine out of ten prisoners volunteered for medical experiments in return for small payments. New chemical treatments and and techniques were used in special cells just for medical experiments. Time Magazine reported at the time that our governments was granting money for medical research in fifteen out of thirty-seven federal prisons. Federal prisoners were given $25 dollars in cash and if the experiment risked the prisoners life they we given reduced prison sentences.
Federal Prisoners Cheaper Than Chimpanzees
Time Magazine quoted an American scientist claimed prisoners were cheaper to use for experiments than chimpanzees. This was a typical way of dehumanizing test subjects and individuals, transforming them into lab specimens. I could go into how this is done to many groups of humans and animals that were and are used for political gain, power, and profit.
While Americans were somewhat safe because of the Nuremberg principles, inmates were vulnerable to promises of reduced sentences and judicial legalese. Most were uneducated many suffered from mental illnesses that left them vulnerable, threats were made from loss of privileges, many were blackmailed or threatened. Never once were those who made profits from experimenting on prisoners questioned for their lack of morals and character, while just the opposite was true for the test subjects. The Nuremberg guidelines strictly ruled out using captive populations for experiments because Nazi doctors had argued criminals had no rights and were just like animals.
Report: Medical Experiments Conducted on U.S. Prisoners, PatientsThe second largest testing population were mental defectives which had the added incentive of children. Prisons provided adults and mental institutions provided children. Both were captive populations that led restricted lives and had no rights. In 1962 here in America at least fifty juvenile delinquents and mentally handicapped teenagers were used to test a new antibiotic for curing acne. Fourteen days after the first test were run the group suffered significant liver damage but the testing was not discontinued. The test group was subjected to liver biopsies, which were dangerous and painful. All subjects experienced jaundice and still the experiment continued. When the children recovered they were subjected to the same experiment, again becoming ill and going through the same liver needle test. This kind of testing was also done in England with 50 disabled teenagers or delinquents, which suffered awful rashes and one test subjected suffered broncho-pneumonia. Prisoners Cheaper Than Chimpanzees
Here in America twelve children from age one to nine years old who were mentally handicapped by hydrocephalus where used in a research project using cerebrospinal fluid, which as not related to their illness. They were injected with a radioactive compund, the needles were inserted through their skull, following the back of the neck into the lumbar spin for their cerebrospinal fluid. Mentally defective infants with no physical abnormality in their calcium metabolism were injected with radioactive compounds used in the studies in calcium metabolism. Radioactive iodine compounds which are horribly poisonous were given to another nineteen mentally handicapped children in tests for iodine metabolism.
A Dark Chapter In Medical History
I have given a few examples of medical practices that were common after WWll. The books I read that you might want to check out are Breacher’s Experimentation On Man, and Pappworths’s Human Guinea Pigs. I just heard on corporate news that people who question the safety of mandated vaccine programs are mentally ill. We are not mentally ill unless you call distrusting people and institutions that have been caught over and over harming helpless people and lying to the public over the safety of their procedures and products. "Human guinea pigs"--a history.
It is wise to protect yourself. What is the track record of our government on having the individual's best interest in mind? ZERO. Countless time throughout history we see the government taking advantage of its citizens at their expense. These post WW2 examples do not surprise me. Why all of a sudden would they NOW care about us? What have they done for us to build a trust in them about vaccines? If a bully treats you poorly and picks on you continually and the asks you to trust them will you? Are you going to bend over to and say abuse me again? Reminds me of a few old Twilight Zone episodes. Prisoners are always goes back to money as it is more important than human life. SAD.
I wish our government was trustworthy and this history was not there. But it is what it is. WAKE up AMERICA!
I don't know of any governments that are trustworthy. That's why America's Father's wrote our constitution they way they did...they also said good luck keeping your government because of their experiences with corporate corruption and monarchies ...sigh
For our government health officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), vaccines have been baptized safe and, therefore, there is no reason for further debate. In fact, so certain are those in charge of the nation’s vaccination programs, even democratic discourse about vaccination controversies has been marginalized and smothered. There is no dissenting opinion published in any major industrial medical journal or magazine, nor found on any of government health websites.
When put to the test, a meticulous review of the scientific literature finds that virtually all of the Federal health agencies assumptions are held in error. Furthermore, the CDC, FDA and HHS, with all of their resources, refuse to take into consideration the large body of clinical evidence that contradicts their biased vaccine policies.
Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans
Congressional Report on a Vaccine Mercury-Autism Link Ignored for Six Years
by Richard Gale and Dr Gary Null, November 13, 2009
The US government is wet with the blood of many people from their past testing of their state interests for the sake of the same people they destroyed. Not surprising because they used German scientists for their tests or at least they get influenced by their ways and means for such cruel and heartless acts.
The US government and other governments seem to be the puppets of the pharmcutal industry. We get angry at the government, elect new officials but nothing changes.The industries that profit from poverty, war, and diseases can pay off the next bunch of elected officials. The problems are not solved.
I understand your medical condition @cryptopie, you cannot survive without allopathic medicine and their medical devices help to clean you blood. This is were allopathic medicine is good at, along with fixing broken bones and catastrophic injuries.
Most humans can live healthy lives when given clean water and air, healthy food and housing and a safe place to live. From what I've read most of our health problems come from war, famine and living in cramped cities. Researching this history of vaccines has been eye opening for me....
Few weeks ago I have watched a TV series, it had a scary Episode of human testings around 1900's! That's scary, yeah sometimes those studies helped the modern medical stuffs! But,it's truly unhumanity! One more thing, I hate to see, animals as testing materials also!
Health is our #1 concern, but that doesn't mean we should test innocents to make our lives happy! I assure non of these tested animals or humans got a peaceful death!
I think we must discuss about this factor more deeply and my dear friend you can do that!
After reading this article I went to google to search more , It turns out that there are incredible medical mistakes
Why should we trust the pharmaceutical industry and evidence based medicine when one knows their dark history of abuse and profiting from disease and suffering...It's like trusting a psychopath to change their ways, the more I research the more I will question all medical procedures recommended to me by my doctor.
This was such an impactful post. I had no idea that they did human testing on prisoners or adults/children in institutions and it breaks my heart to think that there is no much evil in this world. I knew they did testing on animals and that alone appalled me and check all labels to see that there had been no animal testings or google to the product especially in beauty products. When I was diagnoised with Breast Cancer years ago my specialist suggested radiation and Chemo. I refused the Chemo as the cancer had not spread past my lymph nodes under my arm pit. Upon researching Chemo I found it is like mustard gas it eats everything in its path good and bad cells so I opted to just target the area with radiation. My specialist was so angry that I would not take Chemo on his suggestion he almost kicked me out of his office and basically said "So you are willing to die". Well it has been 15 years and I am alive and well. Thanks for getting the awareness out there....appreciated @reddust.
@donnab, I am so sorry for your suffering and illness (hugs), good for you regarding taking your health into your own hands and finding your health. Isn't that horrible the way the medical establishment fear mongers us and forces government laws so we have to take their medicine? Just that alone makes me question the validity of evidence based medicine and it's practices.
And the greatest experiment on vaccines was on returning troops from the world war. The number of deaths were awful.
The military has been testing "medicine" on soldiers for a very long time. Most soldiers haven't a clue of what they have been injected with.
They like to blame all the bad stuff on the Nazis, however, the biggest indicator that WWII was a sham is that both the good guys and the bad guys were doing horrible tests. And then, after the end of the war, all the scientists were smuggled into The US and never faced trial.
I will be going into this as well...I can't write about this every day and I start crying when reading about the horrible abuse of our daughter suffers immune system problems from her vaccines that were given to her in the Army as well...
Yes, following this rabbit hole leads you to very bad places.
I will be happy when this barbaric age of "medicine" is over, and we actually start having studies about health to see what is right. (as opposed to looking at the poor of health, to see what is wrong.)
So, take your time, I will still be here and read and upvote.
The prisoners at the time were the experiment mice, because they had no rights
nice topic
Thank you @beforeandafter, but the general public are also lab rats regarding mandated vaccine programs.
This question must pass on television,
Because frankly we do not know why they vaccinate us even though we are born healthy
By the way, I have noticed changing your profile picture ;)
This is a picture I took when I was living in Eugene Oregon back in 2014....I grew the most amazing gardens <3
The American security services have a long history of conducting scientific and medical experiments on humans, sometimes without their knowledge, and sometimes without considering the dangers of these experiments on the health of American citizens, or even foreigners, who were bad enough to be "test mice" for many diseases, , Exotic drugs, and even brain control experiments
America has a horrible track record but so do many other nations around the globe when it comes to the abuse of the common citizens. I will be writing about this later in the series.
This topic I do not have any information I have never seen it.
Only superficial information is inaccurate
I have now put this theme in the pure engine Google gave me sharp reports of the crimes committed by several countries of America, Japan and Germany in the right of mankind
The crimes have been committed all over the world and you must look to the UN and their medical programs as well....especially vaccinating poor and undernourished populations ..
Humans can be barbaric in the name of research, or really anything.
The prison system the the US is owned by private corperations. It's absolutely disgraceful the way prisons are run.
The for profit prison system would be an interesting series to write.
"The Prison-Industrial Complex," December 1998
This is insanity. I'm just speechless... Testing it on children how evil the person should be. They can't be called human anymore.
This is common practice all over the world...It's worse now by the by...:-(
I did not know the story of prisoners who were being tested until I read this information in your post
There is much more data to share about unethical experiments done on humans and animals. One of the reasons I quite going to college for my BSN
To this extent the human worth is lacking and what is hidden greatest.
Shocking indeed...
Pharma industry is based on deception, all the care about is their own profit and don't give a fuck about public health...
The focus is on disease and profit not on prevention and nutrition...sigh
Yeah like, why invest in cancer hospitals if we can prevent cancer by reducing the carcinogenics in our food chain!
PS: I really do love to read your posts, they are all so awesome...
My regards
thank you my friend @xabi, this is not an easy series to write and I need all the love I can get right now <3
I can feel it friend...All my best wishes and prayers are with you...
Keep up the good work.
really amazing post .. i just loved the title first
The first title was something I learned the hard way ;-) <3
Disgusting, evil, shameless they should be burned on the slow fire for what they do.
Well, @sadpotato, if you believe in Karma, the law of nature, cause and effect...these people are living in hell when they conducted the experiments and when they die the energy of their actions will be reflected in their next life. Just imagine if you can how sick a human mind must be to conduct these experiments.
What kind of people would these be? We ask this question often among ourselves—a doctors embarking on his career for meeking a new medicament.. while we all want great medical care,as a study in a lot of articles scientific one of the primary ethical justifications for conducting research with human subjects is to benefit society this normative principle is explicitly stated or implied in many codes, guidelines, and regulations pertaining to research with human subjects and according to the Nuremberg Code, but now am looking for what Are Social Benefits? @reddust
I know a lot of good doctors who haven't bought into big Pharma propaganda and weren't brainwashed whilst going through college...I do need to write a few articles about the amazing healers who happen to have a medical degree as well.
Also evidence based medicine is great for fixing war catastrophic injuries but they have a horrible track record with healing the mind and our more subtle systems like the endocrine and immune systems.
@reddust yes evidence-based medicine helps to have a positive mental attitude and recognize the mistakes committed by many of the people and try to correct them and support the affected and make sure they no longer exist... I did a research on pharmacology and toxicology last year, the development of a new medicament is very difficult and can wait up to 10 years
Yet still after ten years of testing many medications have horrible side effects that are worse than the diseases they are used to treat.
it's true @reddust this makes the cost of medicine very expensive, and the manufacturer has to recover this cost quickly because the patent has to be filed as soon as the medicine has been discovered. Although a patent is good for 20 years,
In my country there's an insane, a woman went to put her child. After the surgery they left a scissor in her stomach !!
I think the medical industry has a scaling problem as well as treating diseases rather than promoting health and nutrition. This causes horrible mistakes, doctors, most well meaning are overworked along with their staff.
Right, a doctor works for 20hours! How can he get rest?! And all of this is because the government
i surprised to see your knowledge about health and it is interesting for me because i like to read science type books... that's it...
If this happened, then I must say, its totally inhumane, unlawful and unethical, how they become made invention and innovations like in such a way, but now I think methods are changed approximately, after the world wars the concept of human integrity rapidly mature and now no one alow to do such brutal things, cure in the fundamental right of human being, but its not the true way to get into it for betterment.
although animals are broadly used to these experiments now but still there should be a true way without doing such experiment on any living being, I wanna appreciate your work as it is full of knowledge, keep sharing such stuff, steem on
16.13% @pushup from @reddust
This post has received a 19.25 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @reddust
nice post theme, thank you for sharing
Sometimes, they treat human as Guinea pig.
New technology should enhance to test this kind cruel medical test.
Nice post, thanks for sharing :)
yap your absolutly right the medical abuses only come in concentration when i take more than thousand people to kill.its really sad that we are deep and blind and only beacuse active we loss many thing.:(
Everyone should earn trust to make their life better.
More trust someone gain more life gets easier for them.
It's so disgusting to use prisoners for their own interest with out knowing the consequences off outcomes how you endanger human life. It's so bad that human right societies, NGOs are not raising the voice on these dehumanizing job.
Abjection of humans should not be allowed, Pharmaceutical industry are making billions of dollar profit and at the same time doing such a shameful act. Shame...shame...shame
trust is the core of love
We incredibly interesting. Thank you!
I really like the topic a very good post buddy thanks for you who have shared
I am a have a pharmacy degree so this dear to me. Unfortunately there are always going to bad aspects to drug testing. Even if we are to use lab rats, it still would not be ethic. Some animal or people have to die for others to live, unfortunately.
The only thing that can help that is the advancement of Artificial Intelligence and quantum computing.
Back in the day, ethics were not as strong as they are now and as far as the government is concern, who would miss a prisoner.
Our health and medical advancement today does have a murky past. While we can't do change the past, what we can do is ensure that in present times medical testing is conducted in the most ethical way possible.
Very good work @reddust! Yeah I remember studying about the Nuremberg code in school. It is a great piece of information that many people should know about because it helps to better understand what is going on today. People at the top care about profit and it's always been like that. It might be more disguised today but fundamentally, people are still at risk if they blindly trust the medical system. People should remember that many many years ago people were given x-rays so frequently and doctors were not caring about the x-ray dosage and stuff like that. In fact, doctors at that time were convinced that x-rays had no harming effect at all. It's only many many years after that the truth came out regarding the relationship between high x-ray radiation and cancer. The same can be said about wi-fi radiation (that we use all the time for internet) which is bad for health. In fact, some experts like Gunter Pauli are starting to wonder whether the wi-fi of today will become the cigarette of the 70s in the future. Luckily, there is the Li-Fi technology (Internet with light) which is about to be produced this year in France and it is totally harmless and much much much faster (because it uses the speed of light). It actually can be even ordered online from what I understood.