It depends on the status of your internal system and unfortunately most people are a big mess inside. If you got a lot crap clogging up your system the importance of good fibers goes up. If your clean though fibers are not as vital.
I wanna shine a light on the four sources of pure water ( all machine-made distilled waters [distillers, evaporators, condensers, solar distillers, air wells, fog fences and dew ponds], all sky distilled waters [rain, mist, snow, dew and fog], all body distilled waters [saliva, plasma, amniotic fluid, urine and breast milk] and all plant distilled waters [raw fruit and vegetable juices] )
Will make a post with more in depth information about water and show you what kind of equipment we use here in our little communal house in Gothenburg , Sweden! :)
Awesome to hear! Looking forward to your future posts on water. I'm fascinated by water and feel there is so much to learn about it. As an avid gardener I also am excited to do experiments on different types of water and how it affects plant growth. Great to connect, @reko!
Cool! I'm mostly focused on foraging at the moment. Lots of nettles, dandelion, ground elder, wild grass etc. Use it mostly in cold pressed juices with apple, carrot, lemon, ginger... after one of those it's definitely FULL STEEM AHEAD!! ;)
Awesome! Do you harvest the nettles only when young or when they are full grown as well? I have lots of them around here. Do you harvest with gloves or have a good technique to avoid getting stung? Thanks for the advice and here's to natures abundance!
I harvest them all season long, my Green Star Elite juicer which is especially good at wild greens which saves me a lot of energy chewing and digesting.
Nettles can really hurt though as most knows, the trick is to not touch the upside of the leaves and avoid stroking motions. I usually do without gloves and just be steady and precise. If I get tagged I just take a leaf on the downside and roll it into a ball. Then just rub the place where it hurts and it works as an effective antidote.
Very interesting about using the underside of the leaf to calm the sting. The stinging kind of feels good haha, I wonder if there is a medicinal quality to it?
Natural Nettle Sting for Arthritis Relief
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)