Benefits of Mango Fruit for Health

in #health7 years ago

Mango in addition to having a delicious taste turned out to have many benefits / properties for health and prevent disease.


Here are some of the benefits of mango for health:

Lower cholesterol

The content of vitamin C, pectin and fiber found in mango has high levels and helps to lower cholesterol, especially bad fat (LDL), thus preventing stroke.

Effectively prevent cancer

The study found that the antioxidant compounds present in mangoes (fisetin, isoquercitrin, gallic acid, quercetin, astragalin and methylgallat) have the property to protect the body against prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and leukemia.

Maintain and cleanse the skin

Mango efficacy for skin care is able to clean clogged pores and get rid of acne. In order to get healthy and well groomed skin, the fruit can be eaten immediately, used as juice or applied directly to the skin surface.


Helps diabetics

Mango leaves can help normalize insulin levels in the blood. How to boil mango leaves, soaked throughout the night and then drink it when you wake up in the morning. The efficacy of other mangoes is not going to increase body sugar levels quickly because the glycemic index is relatively low.
