So I've been having fun with Garmin's Body Battery app recently....
It's one of the advantages/ disadvantages of wearing a Garmin day and night......
The Body Battery is a mock up of how charged or drained your energy levels are and your corresponding capacity to workout or 'take on a project'
As I understand it yr heart rate and respiration rate as well as movement levels are three variables which influence rates of charge or discharge...
Charge and discharge....
What puts one in a state of charge or discharge may surprise you...
Somewhat obviously sleep charges yer body battery, I guess because HR and breathing slow down and you're generally very still, and a good night's sleep tends to put me at 80 something for 'charge' but this can take 8-9 hours to get there!
Where draining is concerned working out can reduce your battery pretty quickly, I think my 10K run the other day took off a good 20 points or more.
But what does the most 'damage' is working, which for me is sitting still while being 'stressed' which is basically what work does to one...
Oddly I find tidying up the house is neutral, and yoga can count as resting/ relaxing, as can meditating, which is good to know!
It's good when it's good..
My stats have been pretty good lately, the app likes fluctuation which generally means you've been active, it doesn't like too much activity or too little!
And apparently it adjusts over time to take account of health improvements, so it is dynamic.
Final thoughts/ cautions...
It's quite nice to track and it does broadly seem accurate, like when I've had a bad night's sleep or over-worked, it shows that, and I'm willing to take low body battery as a sign I should get more sleep, but then again I like sleep!
I can't imagine this would that much fun if you were a lazy one with poor stats!