Acetoneginas (potent anticancerigen) characteristic of the soursop

in #health7 years ago

The soursop is a fruit that is produced in tropical climates, it takes advantage of everything: the fruit, the seed, the leaves and the bark of the plant. Observe its properties below:

  1. It works to fight cancer and tumors, since it contains powerful anticancer agents (acetoneginas immersed in its leaves)
  2. It regulates asthma, the flu and even bronchitis.
  3. Excellent to cure gastritis and ulcers.
  4. It is a natural antidiarrheal.
  5. An excellent insecticide is made from its leaves, stem and seeds.

Every time there are many testimonies of people who decided to treat cancer using guanábana, and the results are encouraging.

The taking, of course, of this potent anticancer must be accompanied by your faith, without it you will not get anywhere.

I hope you have enjoyed this brief description of the healing powers of this great fruit: guanabana.

The soursop is a fruit that is produced in tropical climates, it takes advantage of everything: the fruit, the seed, the leaves and the bark of the plant. Observe its properties below:

  1. It works to fight cancer and tumors, since it contains powerful anticancer agents (acetoneginas immersed in its leaves)
  2. It regulates asthma, the flu and even bronchitis.
  3. Excellent to cure gastritis and ulcers.
  4. It is a natural antidiarrheal.
  5. An excellent insecticide is made from its leaves, stem and seeds.

There are many testimonies from people who decided to treat cancer using guanabana, and the results are encouraging.

The taking, of course, of this potent anticancer must be accompanied by your faith, without it you will not get anywhere.

I hope you have enjoyed this brief description of the healing powers of this great fruit: the guanabana.

Photograph taken from my camera Olimpus Vg-170, in the family garden of Enio Cordero, a nice greeting for my uncle (@corderosiete).