Benefits of Carrots for Skin and Eye Health

in #health8 years ago

Of course you are familiar with one of these vegetables. Yes! Carrot is one of the vegetables that are usually used as a variety of foods from being used as a soup, juice is made even used in various cuisines.

Carrots are one of the plants in which contain many carbohydrates in large quantities. Carrots have a sweet sweet taste and usually part of carrots are often used and consumed is on the bulb or the root. In addition to good benefits for the eyes, carrots also still have other health benefits including for hair health and also your body's skin.

Carrots have a variety of substances in it, including calories, fat, hydrate, phosphorus, calcium, beta carotene, iron, vitamin B1 and also vitamin C. The content is what makes carrots become one of the vegetables that have many benefits.

Usually carrots most often processed into healthy carrot juice, because the content of various vitamins and minerals in the carrot is very good for health especially if processed in a good way as made into juice, the content of vitamins and minerals in the carrots are not damaged and fixed Intact so that the benefits of carrot juice to be more optimal.

When compared with other types of vegetables carrots are also no less has many benefits and benefits for health, at least by consuming carrots regularly then the benefits can be perceived by the body.

** Carrot Benefits and Benefits for Severity **
Below are some of the benefits and benefits of carrots for your health, which we have summarized from various sources:

  • ** Good for Eyes **
    The content of vitamin A and beta-carotene compounds present in carrots and lutein also have good benefits to improve your eyesight. In addition, the benefits of these compounds are able to prevent the occurrence of glaucoma disease, night blindness so as to protect your eyes.

  • ** Strengthening Immune System **
    The amount of nutrients contained in carrots such as anti-oxidants and also vitamin C has good properties for the body's immune so that the body is able to protect from various diseases that attack.

  • ** Digestive Digestion **
    The benefits of the next carrot is healthy body digestion. The production of digestive juices can be stimulated by using carrots by consuming carrot juice 20 minutes before you eat. In addition, the presence of soluble fiber in carrots also has benefits to improve health in your digestion.

  • ** Make Your Skin Light **
    With the presence of vitamin A and also anti-oxidants in carrots keeps the skin glowing, because by consuming carrot / carrot juice is able to get rid of toxins that are in the body so that your body's health remains awake.

  • ** Preventing Acne **
    The content of vitamin A in carrots can be beneficial to maintain a normal Ph on your skin. Carrots can also prevent an acne breakout because carrots have anti-oxidants other than that carrots can also help in curing the already emerging pimples.

  • ** Overcoming Hair Loss **
    With the presence of batekroten and also vitamin A in the carrot can make hair growth becomes healthier. In addition, the content of essential vitamins that exist in carrots are also able to improve blood circulation that occurs in the scalp area so it can reduce the problem on your hair.

  • ** Prevent Early Aging **
    In addition to the existing antioxidant benefits in carrots, it also has other nutrients useful to prevent the aging of the skin. By eating carrots on a regular basis will make fine lines and also the existing creases on the skin can be disguised. In addition, by eating regular carrots can also increase the existing collagen prodksi on the skin so that your skin remains tight.

  • ** Keeping Heart Health **
    The content of vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, beta carotene, and other nutrients is believed to provide protection against several diseases such as Heart Disease, cancer, and can also lower blood pressure.

  • Lowers cholesterol
    According to a study conducted at Harvard University that someone who consumed carrots can reduce the risk of high cholesterol. High fiber content and also low calories and low fat can help in lowering cholesterol that has the properties can inhibit fat and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

  • ** Against Bad Radical Free Effects **
    Carrots are one of these types of vegetables have a good anti-oxidant to fight free radicals that could damage the body from within. By eating carrots, the risk of the body exposed to free radicals, can be minimized.