Mangoes may very well be the king of all fruits because they fight cancer, alkalize the body, regulate diabetes, help digestion, aid in weight loss, clear your skin and make the perfect snack.
Since mangoes are so tasty, people forget they’re healthy. You can eat mango in different ways such as eating them in cubes, adding them to your salad, or even adding them to your smoothie.
Mango is a nutrition-filled wonder-fruit capable of giving your body the health it needs.
- Combats Cancer
Mango has antioxidants such as isoquercitrin, quercetin, astragalin, gallic acid, fisetin, and methyl gallate which protect the body against breast, colon, leukemia and prostate cancers
- Weight Loss and Digestion
Mango is rich in vitamins and nutrients which help you feel stuffed after eating. Also, its fibers boost your stomach’s digestive functions by burning excess calories, aiding weight loss.
The enzymes found in mango help break down protein and aid in digestion because the fruit is rich in prebiotic dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins
Clears the Skin:
Can be used both internally and externally for the skin. Mangos help clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples.Improves Eye Health:
One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.
A way to lose weight
As mango contains a lot of vitamins and essential nutrients, eating one mango makes you feel fuller. Also, as it is loaded with fibrous content, it boosts the digestive function and burns unwanted calories from the body. This, in turn, helps in losing extra weight.
- Contains high iron content
The high iron content in mango is a natural remedy for anaemic people. Also, women should eat mangoes to increase iron level and calcium content in their bodies
- Reduces Kidney Stones
In Chinese medicine, mangoes are considered sweet and sour with a cooling energy also capable of reducing the risk of kidney stone formation.
Nutrition chart
-> One cup of mangoes (225 gms contain) contains the following percentages that apply to daily value.
-> 105 calories
-> 76 percent vitamin C (antioxidant and immune booster)
-> 25 percent vitamin A (antioxidant and vision)
-> 11 percent vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins (hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention)
-> 9 percent healthy probiotic fibre
-> 9 percent copper (copper is a co-factor for many vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells)
-> 7 percent potassium (to balance out our high sodium intake)
-> 4 percent magnesium
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