Thank you for the comment :) and I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Check out another comment of mine on this thread, and I believe you’ll enjoy it, too!
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Thank you for the comment :) and I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Check out another comment of mine on this thread, and I believe you’ll enjoy it, too!
Thank you!
Certainly agree with your other comment. The emphasis for corporations is consumer experience, it is the feeling that people get when they buy something that is important. It creates addicted consumers, just look at coke ("taste the feeling" commercials) and mcdonalds (happy meal).
How it feels to sit in a new car means nothing for the usefulness of the car for you, or money spent vs value to you.
Helpful information doesn't sell, know-how doesn't sell either, and the government, big pharma, big food and big whatever have all the insentives in the world (money and power) to keep the masses ignorant and "good" consumers.
I love this one: cures are free. It costs money to advertise. Instead of advertising, spread the word!
...I forgot how I used to say it XD
Think people will spread the word more once trust levels goes up between people. Once you know that you have 1000 people that can help you out in life in an emergency situation then people will start to do things like this. But now many are still living in huge scarcity. Which creates competition.
Of course competition will always be here but we can surely make things more smooth and safe. When people don’t have to worry about survival then we will see amazing things happen. But now we also have the big problems of an overpopulated planet which will cause lots of low vibration energy from fearful people.
Capitalism clearly isn’t perfect but the best system we have right now. Clearly it has created tons of abundance but we could do way better. But I think we will be making exciting progress in the upcoming years. If not AI kills us that will say.
Just look at how much opportunity the average person has compared to 100 years ago. The poorest are richer than kings with their powerful phone devices. But people look at relative wealth. And we always raise our standard to look for what’s next that is exciting. Clearly that’s why the Universe made it so big that we would never run out of stuff to explore.
Helpful information does sell. Helpful stuff is being shared every single day. But it doesn’t get talked about that much. Now with the Internet more people are thinking than ever before. Now we can truly create a human mastermind by connecting millions of human brains. To extract the best possible ideas out there that will benefit the most. Who knows what we will come up with!
I’m lovin it XD