To wrap things up for this week, we want to talk about how Uganda strategically tackles health-related issues. If you go onto the Ministry of Health website, you’ll be able to find various projects and programs that they’re pursuing. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
UNEIP or Uganda National Expanded Program on Immunisation, as the name suggests, provides a wide array of immunization practices so ensure the population is free of vaccine-preventable disease. The National Malaria Control Program focuses on the prevention and treatment of malaria nationwide.
<Reference: http://health.go.ug/projects/institutional-capacity-building-phase-ii>
In particular, there’s a project that aligns with the vision of RUN, and that is the Institutional Capacity Building Phase II project. The goal of the project is “to strengthen the planning, leadership and management capacities of (public) health staff, specifically at decentralized local government level,” and its conception was due to the recognition of the need to follow up on the Phase I project and provide further development in district-level health facilities, software, and medical devices.
What do you think is the best way to improve medical treatment in Uganda? What should the government focus on, and what roles should NGOs play in the process? Let us know in the comments below!
My guess would be better accuracy and management of medical data, not very exciting I know but indispensable when trying to have a population wide impact. One of my officemates was out your way recently and that was the whole reason for her trip, so bringing her skills ‘in house’ would likely be a huge gain.
I’d love to see an NGO’s focusing on this topic, so many other NGO’s rely on this data, it’d have a huge ripple effect!
Thanks for your input!
The government should focua on distributing drugs or medicines to the various health centers or hospitals.They should stock enough and different kinds of medicines for the various diseases.
Non Governmental organisations(NGOs) should ensure that people in rural areas recieve the medicines by working hand in hand with the government.
It is always the people in rural areas who need the drugs the most as they cannot afford to buy them as people in urban areas.
I am a Ugandan by the way and its what i have observed and the above remedies should be applied for better medication of the people!
the government uganda must socialize to the public, immediately seek international agencies to help deal with the right way to prevent disease outbreaks, make use of clean sanitation with socialization, compensate the poor for the disease, and free treatment, thanks for sharing, @runorg
Am a Ugandan but the problem is there is no monitoring of the drugs actually the government makes it a point to always have medicines but what happens the doctors them selves steal the medicine and then start there private pharmacies so this leads to shortage
In most cases these same doctors hide the drugs after a long time the drugs expire over millions of money are burnt in expired medicines then the doctors are rude to the patients basically the best thing to do is a background search on the doctors and nurses where strict laws should be put in place
seems like a real problem...
Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing @runorg