Motherhood Massage

in #health8 years ago

The transition into motherhood is a life changing experience that longs to be acknowledged and deeply honored. The new mothers body greatly craves healing touch as it goes through rapid structural and physiological changes. It can seem challenging in our modern culture for mothers to find time for deep inner nourishment as they adjust to life with a new baby yet “mothering the mother” is vitally important for both the short and long term health of the woman, child and family. Massage therapy is one of the most beneficial things a mother can receive after giving birth. The added element of heat is especially powerful for new mothers. Many ancient cultures practice what is commonly referred to as Mother Roasting where the mother is kept warm by a variety of means depending on the culture, some cultures give the mother daily hot oil massage for 40 days! The heat of the stones allows the muscles to relax more easily and deeply. It is ideal for relieving pain and tension created by strained and contracted muscles.

After the amazing work of birthing a child into the world every woman deserves to experience the healing gifts of massage!