Jasmine or in Latin called Jasminus Sambac Ait is a flower that we often encounter in various homes.
During this time, people know jasmine flowers only limited to ornamental plants, cosmetic ingredients, and a mixture of perfume or make tea. Jasmine has many benefits and has been used for many purposes since ancient times. It smelled of fragrant jasmine must be there for certain celebrations and rituals. From the habit of smell, religion, to the mystical.
Benefits of jasmine as a medicinal compound can not be separated from the content in it. Jasmine flowers also have a number of important chemical compounds, such as indole like, linalcohol, Benzyl acetate, Benzilic alcohol, and Jasmon, which if used can offer many health benefits. The parts used for treatment are leaves, roots and flowers.
Teh dan minyak dari bunga melati dikenal sebagai afrodisiak alami yang sangat kuat. Bunga melati juga sebagai obat kuat herbal yang direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan libido, kekuatan seksual, merangsang dorongan seksual, dan bahkan mungkin mengobati infertilitas pada pria dan wanita.
Many jasmine flowers dried in the sun and dried, to then be mixed tea. A blend of jasmine tea and flowers is very popular and widely consumed, especially in the Asian region.
Jasmine flowers are used to relieve headaches, reduce muscle tension, and much more in medical use.
Jasmine flowers symbolize happiness, and grace in China
That's simply wonderful..lovely post .
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