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RE: If your doctor tells you to give up saturated fat "because cholesterol" -- or because any reason, really -- RUN!

in #health7 years ago

The study that proves vegs live longer than omnivores is based on a questionnaire and admits that it doesn't take into account uncontrolled variables. I would NOT bet the farm on that study.

Here's a great article debunking the notion that the centenarians in Costa Rica's "blue zone" were vegetarian: Costa Rica: Land of the Centenarians

Study 2 is flat out wrong on what are bad fats and what are good fats. Read my resources!

Study 3 is great... really makes MY point. Until you get to who funded the study. Lol. Darn it.

Your body doesn't make saturated fat from anything! If you eat too many calories of any kind, your body will store that as BODY fat. Body fat is different from saturated fat.

ALL carbs turn to sugar in the body. All of them. Even broccoli. And sugar causes and/or plays a role in more health problems than anything else.

PLEASE read/listen to the resources I posted before posting anything else for me to peruse. I'm reading your links, you are not reading mine. Play fair.