Yoga is unifying with supreme being with great devotion and deep awareness. Yoga is a philosophy of life, which also has the potential to create a vibrantly healthy body and mind.
Yoga helps enormously in helping in managing stress better and fortifying immune system.
Four paths of yoga
Karma (Action) yoga : by action without attachment
Bhakti (Devotion) yoga: by complete surrender
Jnana (Knowledge) yoga: by seeking knowledge
Raja (Self-control) yoga: by self-discipline
Sage Patanjali further explained Raja Yoga by giving 8 progressive steps called Astanga yoga .
Two of the eight steps are Asana and pranayama which help in reducing stress and health issues to achieve a perfect harmony
1.Yama : control at interaction level
- Niyama: control at individual level
- Asana: physical postures for body.
- Pranayama: breathing exercises to calm mind
- Pratyahara: withdrawing from sense objects
- Dharana: fixing the mind on one object for meditation
7.Dhyana: meditation , perfect contemplation by complete withdrawal
8.Samadhi:oneness with god , highest state of yoga
Main type of asanas –standing , seated , supine and prone
Practicing yoga methods like Asanas , pranayama and meditation help enormously in managing stress better and strengthening immunity systems
Stimulation and relaxation in yoga practices and breathing practices returns balance in autonomic nervous system.
This is a tiny effort from this newbie to introduce you all to ancient yoga forms in a simple way .
Hope you upvote and comment !!! support!!!
my post :)hy @sankumar i have done upvote your post, maybe you bring me back feedback please on this