About Appendix and its importance in immune system.

in #health7 years ago

*Most of us thinks that appendix is a vestigial organ which means it performs no funtion in the body. But Appendix has a very important function. It helps to strengthen and support our immune system. *

picture of appendix

*For years, Physicians believed our appendix is a vestigial organ which means it performs no function in the body. But now research has shown that it boosts the immune system of adults. The appendix has a high concentration of immune cells within its walls and functions as a lymphoid organs. Lymphoid organs helps in the maturation of immune cells called lymphocytes. Human appendix helps in maturation of B. cells *

picture of B.cells

B.cells produce antibodiesthat attack invading bacteria, viruses and toxin. Our appendix is also involved in the production of certain molecules that help direct the movement of lymphocytes to various other locations in the body. A type of antibody called immunoglobulin A(lgA) is produced in the appendix. This antibody plays an important role in mucosal immunity.

*Our appendix is a storehouse for beneficial bacteria. These good bacteria help the gut recover from infections and protect the intestine from futher infections by harmful bacteria.*
*Research shows that people whose appendix has been removed are 4 timesmore likely to have recurrence of a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, fever, nausea and abdominal pain. A study examined the evolutionary basis for the appendix in mammal species. Results showed that appendix evolved at least 30 times among different lineages and once the organ appeared it was never lost. The appendix is believed to help fetuses develop. The development of appendix begins during the 5th fetal week and shows very rapid development early in life. It is longest in childhood and diminishes in size throughout adulthood.Special cells called endocrine cells appear in the appendix of human fetus at the 11th week of development. Those specials cells in fetal appendix produce hormone which assist in various biological control (homeostatic) mechanisms. A study showed that a short appendix can be a risk factor for colon cancer.*

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awesome brother really helpful post

thanks bro