Agni hotra is one of the strongest medicines in Ayurveda.
Agni = fire
hotra = therapy
Light the fire in a copper or gold pyramid at the exact moment of sunrise and/or sunset, sing a mantra, make an offering, meditate in silence until the fire burns out, and let the blessings rain down.
Of course there are subtleties to the practice, but that's basically it. It's great for people, animals, and plants. Perhaps counterintuitively, the smoke is great for respiratory and sinus conditions as well as a number of other physical ailments. It cleanses the atmosphere and creates a vortex of prana. I LOVE it!
At sunrise, sing:
Suryaya swaha
suryaya idam na ma ma.
Prayapataye swaha,
prayapataye idam na ma ma.
Which means:
I honor the day; this is for the day, not for myself.
I honor the divine; this is for the divine, not for myself.
At sunset, sing:
Agnaye swaha
agnaye idam na ma ma.
Prayapataye swaha,
prayapataye idam na ma ma.
Which means:
I honor the fire; this is for the fire, not for myself.
I honor the divine; this is for the divine, not for myself.
I hope the fire in your heart burns with the heat of a thousand suns today!