A decentralized solidary group as an alternative to health insurances. Artabana.

in #health9 years ago

I’m part of a revolutionary system – Artabana.

Artaban is The Fourth Wise Man and the eponym for the association. Artabana is a solidary group, a supportitive institution in the health care sector. And that’s where the revolution begins. I’m living this revolution so to say for more than 3 years now. And it feels good to be a (little) revolutionist, even if it’s just a small part or specific part of my life. But we all have to start somewhere.

We have written laws in Germany (whether good or bad is not the case) that tell you: You must have a health insurance. You have be covered by insurance, private or statutory. I’m running my own business for more than 10 years now, every self-employed worker in Germany has to chose a private health insurance. Some are cheap, some are really expensive, depending on your needs. As an self-employed worker you can’t have a statutory health insurance, never, by law. Due to some events (one of my doctors fucked up some bills, it wasn’t even my fault or on purpose) my insurance resigned my contract. Wow. I was not covered by an insurance. I thought I’m gonna die. No kidding. That’s the feeling you get when you lose your health insurance. Society teached us to be insured against everything, whether you need it or not. But that’s not the point.

I was standing there: As a self-employed worker you can’t have a statutory health insurance and none of the private insurances was willing to sign a contract with me. They all communicate among each other, a huge circle jerk. If you get kicked your chances are pretty much 0 to get a new one. I’m too old (please don’t laugh, that’s a real reason) or just too risky for the insurance because of your history and what could be, they run danger to have to pay for you, that’s actually the most hilarious thing ever. An insurance that is afraid to pay for you in case you get sick. Long story short: I wanted an insurance but couldn’t find one to sign me. But you have to be insured by law. Catch-22. The world is crazy sometimes. Isn’t it.

Pablo Picasso once said:

„I do not seek. I find.“

So there’s no such thing as coincidence, even if some people try to tell you. So, „I stumbled upon“ Artabana, a friend told me about it and I gave it a try. What else could I do.

It had to be that way. So I thought „let the things flow and don’t fight them, there’s always a reason.“

I was invited to their monthly meetings and soon became a full-time member, I’m the youngest one in our group (37). We’re a group of 6 people now, 4 women and 2 men (me included).

We all have different backgrounds, different jobs, different views of life, different tastes, very natural. It’s a very interesting potpourri.


I know you’ll like it. :)

Artabana consists of many of these little groups. 5 – 12 people on average, all over Germany.

Right now Artabana has about 2000 members, officially. There are about 1000 additional people who join meetings and support the association, they’re just not listed as full-time members. So we have round about 3000 members currently. It’s organized subsidiary. Everything what can be done on a lower level does not have to be regulated on a higher level.

Every local group is a stand-alone group, self-reliant. Like a regular incorporated association.

These little local groups build regional alliances to support each other in case of financial needs.

Let me explain you how it works and why it is so wonderful:

Each group (local group) can decide about the amount they think is adequate. It’s a soliditary contribution. This can be different within the single local groups.

An example:

Each of us in the group pays his/her soliditary contribution / month

60 % of that amount go to you private fund

20% of that amount go to the group fund (our own group)

20% of that amount go to the regional funds

Numbers are figurative but I think it's easier for you to get a feeling for it:

Scenario 1: I don’t have to go to the doctor for a full year. The funds accumulate month by month, I don’t loose anything just because I didn’t spend it. My private jar/fund grows.

Scenario 2: Let’s assume I visit the dentist: The bill is € 250,-. I use my private funds to pay the bill. Pretty easy. That’s why I have my „jar“, that’s how we call it.

Scenario 3: I have a car accident and have to go to the hospital. The bill is € 5000,-. I don’t have so much in my private jar. I only have € 1500,- left. The group will cover the missing amount using the group fund.

Scenario 4: I have a car accident and have to go to the hospital. The bill is € 15.000,-. I don’t have so much in my private jar. I only have € 1500,- left. The group only has about € 7000,- in the group jar. The group makes a request and is asking the „regional alliance“ for help. The regional jar will cover the missing amount.

And just in case the regional jar is not enough you can make a request and ask other regional alliances for help.

If that’s still not enough (that will never ever happen) the Artabana Germany funds will be used to cover the costs.



And everything is based on TRUST.

You have to find the right people to make that even possible. But there’s one thing of sure: The law of ressonance. Birds of a feather flock together. Like I said, there’s no such thing as coincidence. And I’m happy that I had to chose this way.

And yes, even in times of envy and anger, there’s is trust among a few to build something new.


  • mutual assistance in case of illness
  • therapeutic freedom
  • decentralized organization
  • Increased confidence through community building
  • Motivation on healthy lifestyles
  • voluntary self-government

It’s like heaven. At least for this part of my life. I feel free. And responsible for myself. I'm living a little revolution.

I can do whatever I want now when it comes to medical or clinical treatments, therapeutic freedom which I believe is best for me, my body and my health. And health is all we have.

Plus I’m surrounded by extraordinary people. It’s very inspiring in every way. And we’re growing.

And once again just to make it clear: No religious background , no political background, no cult. People tend to make a cult out of everything which is against the „usual things“. We’re just free thinkers and treat our health with respect.

The only real problem we have in Germany is: It’s not easy to resign your health insurance. They won’t let you go without a proof of your „next“ insurance. And Artabana is not accepted by law as an alternative to statutory or private insurances. You need to trick them or find a very understanding responsible official. But there are many well-informed Artabana members to help you find a way.

I’m just scratching the surface here, there’s much more to talk about. I just wanted to tell you about it, to show you that there is something like Artabana.

Maybe some of you want to give a look, here’s the link: http://www.artabana.net

Sorry it’s only available in German language, maybe google’s auto translate does its job :)

Is there anything like Artabana in your country? Please tell me, I’d be very interested to hear about it.

I wish you all a healthy life. Take responsibility for yourself if you can.

Don’t let others decide about your health.

All the best.


The problem is that because your groups are so small (essentially its just you when you pay the bill), you have no leverage to get lower prices from the providers. You have to pay the top rate bill. Insurance companies can threaten the providers and get them to reduce the bills. Ultimately, the best system is the English NHS and similar. Everyone pays in through taxes, and every one is treated when they get sick. ZERO stress about whether you have the money to pay, whether they accept your insurance, if you are out of coverage area and so on. The savings in billing and accountancy alone are huge. And the removal of the profit incentive has huge dividends for society. In America, they will sell you anything to get another paying customer in the door. If you are in a car accident, you will "see" 5 consultants before you even wake up. Each of whom did absolutely nothing but throws a bill at you nonetheless. Where there is money to be made, there will be scams.

Hi @sardonyx! Thank you very much for your comment! We don't pay top rate bills. That's what you do when you have a private health insurance. The doctors take advantage of private patients because they can ask much more. We're no private patients or self-pay patients, we mention it clearly in the beginning, before the treatment and ask for the regular valuation rate e.g. the statutory health insurance. And it works very well.

I agree that because of the low startup participation their costs are higher . But as they grow they will solve that issue. Love the concept!

Couldn't the regional group negotiate rates once they are big enough?

I like the concept ! I can see something similar working in the US. Plan on working on this. As you grow in numbers you should be able to bargain down health care costs.

Hi @andre-ager, thanx and good luck. I used to spend about € 8000 ,- / year for my private health insurance with no service in return, I had bills for about € 200,-/year., yet they didn't want me as a customer and sign me. Sick system.

Hi Sascha,

decades ago in the last millenium (yes, I am an old man) I was also self employed in Germany. Then I had the chance to choose between become a customer of a private insurance or become a voluntary member of the public insurances (but with the disadvantage to pay the highest rate there even when my income was tending to zero).

Is this not possible anymore? I also thought that every insurance now is forced to offer an basic insurance to everyone, where you pay the highest rate as in the public insurances and get a basic set of services.


Hi Holzmichl! Thank you, you're right. There's something like a "basic set of services", yet they still have to sign you. No one was willing to sign me 3 years ago. Thankfully. The rate is still ridiculously high and not worth to think about it if you compare the service you'll get. But the point is no longer to find someone to sign you, the goal is to resign and be free.
Thank you very much, cheers!

good idea !

I agree, great idea and concept.

Thank you both! That's why I like it so much!

brilliant! This insurance fund without intermediaries! This should be a virus!

Hi @creadordelfuturo! Maybe it will be someday.:)

This is a great concept. I'm sure as more doctors hear of this they would love to have these patients as many hate working with the insurance companies.

Where do you keep the fund money? Banks?

Hi @alexgr! That's different from group to group. I can only speak for our local group. We have 2 treasurers, they store the money at home in a safe, equally divided. We have cash and gold. We don't use bank accounts anymore, we resigned about 2 years ago.

Wow, nice. Gratuliere zu dem Post. :D

Vielen Dank und alles Gute für Dich!

It sounds great on the surface, but it doesn't actually seem to be 'decentralized,' at least not entirely. You say that there is an individual 'jar,' a group 'jar,' a regional 'jar', etc. It sounds to me almost like a pyramid organization rather than a decentralized system. Very cool idea, though. Has anyone in your group actually had to use the regional or higher jar? Just wondering what the actual experience would be like when it is needed.

Hi @unicornking! Thank you. Well we're self-reliant local groups, we don't need anyone else in general, there is no central contact-point. That's very much decentralized. There's is no "1 point to run to" when you need something. Every single group takes care of itself.

We had several cases of cancer for example during the last 2 years, not in our group but in next-doors groups and local groups can't handle that anymore on their own. They ask for help. That's why we have the regional alliances. Every local group has a representative, they communicate among each other in case of an emergency. The different 'jars' allow us to make money accessible, fast and uncomplicated. e.g. when you need help from other groups. I hope that helped :)

I dont have any medical insurance..

Me neither. You don't need one. There are other ways to take care of you, your health, yourself...as you can see. This is not an insurance.

Tolles Konzept sascha - vielen Dank dass Du die englischsprachige Welt von der deutschen Perspektive informierst.

As far as the US is concerned Michael Moore has done a documentary regarding this issue a few years back already. Just in case somebody has not seen it yet and is interested - here it comes:

Hi @steemuwe! Besten Dank! Es ist definitiv eine Erwähnung wert, schon alleine aus dem Grund ,weil ich es tastächlich lebe, ich lebe "Mensch-sein", anderen vertrauen, anderen helfen, aus Solidarität und nicht weil man muss. Viele Grüße.

Prima - mach weiter so and inspire others as well ;-)

I love everything about decentralization. Thats why I write about it, talk about it, make videos about it and dream about it! Great idea I love this!

Thank you very much @keithsmith! Keep it up! Maybe you'll find or even build something similar someday.:)

I am a member of something similar in the US. It's called Medi-Share, or My Christian Care Ministry, and it's not insurance, but a medical cost sharing community. It's been operating since the 1990s, but it's real significance has come in since the Obamacare law. A provision in the law allowed religious cost-sharing services like Medi-Share to be exempt from the insurance requirement.

It's not technically insurance, but it works very much like insurance. You pay a premium per month, and you have a deductible, but both premium and deductible are much, much lower than comparable insurance plans. It covers the usual stuff, but it doesn't cover pre-existing procedures or elective/cosmetic procedures, or objectionable stuff (like birth control, abortion, sex changes, and so forth). It's much cheaper because of those restrictions, and also because it effectively works as cash payments, so there is none of the overhead that makes insurance so costly to doctors and hospitals (and which causes them to charge more for its use). Because there are so many members, they also have enough buying power to get special deals from certain physician groups, pharmacies, and the like.

To join, you have to be a member in good standing of a Christian church, attend services regularly, and agree to some moral covenants and to pray for the sick and injured within the group. They even tell you who your money went to help each month. I pay $250 per month, and it covers my whole household at a very reasonable yearly deductible of around ~3k.

Thanx @mikedibaggio! Awesome! That's great to see there's something similar out there. Artabana is no insurance as well, there is no "must". It's all built around solidarity. All the best and thank you very much for this introduction of Medi-Share. I'll definitely have a closer look at it!

Interesting concept. I wonder what would happen to you with Arbatana if the medical bill would be €200,000 or €300,000. Would the national group be able to still provide you with all those funds?

Hi @io-io-io, easy. There are sufficient funds available.

Interesting stuff. It's a topic on another forum I'm a member of, I will share your article there.

I always think; if insurance was better value, on average, than saving your own money, then insurance companies would be out of business.

Politics has failed us, so we should always looking for alternative, community-based solutions wherever we can find them.

Well said @popcornlobotomy! Thank you!

I think that centralized, public health monopoly like NHS (GB) or NFZ (Poland) is still the most valuable option for patients.

Here are the benefits of public (government controlled) monopoly:

  1. Everyone has the same rights - the same insurance. There is no way, you can be tricked by the insurance provider. You can never loose your insurance. You will always receive exactly the same treatment nevertheless of your social position or actual situation. Richer people pay bigger fees, but everyone is treated equally.
  2. Easy for patients - you simly go to the hospital, receive no bills, no one is calculating if your treatment should be refunded or not - even if your treatment is very costly.
  3. Cost effective - eg. in Poland National Health Found (NFZ) consumes only 1,8% of insurance fees, while 98,2% goes to the hospitals. National Provider cannot generate any profit.
  4. Monopoly can negotiate best prices. - eg. a hip deformity operation in USA costs more than 200 000$, while in Poland it costs around 5 000$. (The drawback is that in monopoly system doctors and hospitals are poorer than in private insurance system, but nevertheless, the % of success is similar in most procedures.

So, as you can see, this is the most equal system for patients.

Theoretical and objectivly you are absolutly right. But practically we live in a highly subjective world which messes up that ideal. That's why this system here makes much mire sense for people who have their own idea how health should look like.

What a hopeful post! It inspired me, actually, to finish a poem I was working on that tries to illustrate decentralization in nature. I mention you in the post and link to this piece. Thank you!
