Testosterone! Can You Raise YOURS Without Going to Jail?

in #health7 years ago (edited)

This 12 week biohack aims to answer that question: Using foods, supplements, and weight training to see if a male actually CAN accomplish this!

I've had my blood drawn on two occasions, three months apart, to determine a baseline testosterone level.

These blood draws were taken to determine if the measures I'm taking will have any measurable improvement in raising my own endogenous testosterone level... Evidenced by a follow-up blood analysis taken in June.

Follow @scan0017 to see if this is actually possible!

This study has an N = 1, meaning the results of this study are purely anecdotal.

HOWEVER, these results may provide the framework for further studies for men in their 40's to follow in the future...

All of the data is brought to you, exclusively here, on Steemit.

Here's a photo of me about twenty years ago:


Youth truly is wasted on the young...

Here's what's on my feeding schedule, every single week, for the next three months:


We've got:

  • 4 Pounds of Red Grapes
  • 8 Pounds of Chicken
  • 1.8 Liters of Pomegranate Juice
  • 2.5 Pounds of Spinach
  • 3.0 Pounds of Broccoli 🥦
  • 2 Dozen Eggs

Follow @scan0017 to see the two lab results of my testosterone levels in the next post!

Along with the additional dietary supplements I'm taking, the rationale behind taking them, (AND the foods you see above), and the workout routine I'll be following to determine if lifestyle and dietary augmentation can result in a legitimate elevation of endogenous testosterone levels.

Stay tuned!
This is going to be interesting...

Thanks for reading!

@scan0017 😘


Graig, you can't be like this..
posting this kind of pictures while I'm gone!!

Lol BIG smile

Last year was a blast, glad the three of us met two weeks later in Lisbon...
LOL timing 🤦‍♂️ Bring one of your girlfriends to Steemfest 3 (or you, her, @fitzgibbon and I could all get together when I return to the Netherlands for ADE 2018!)

Haha! Bring a friend?! What kind of friend should I bring?
When will you be in the Netherlands?

I recall a photo of you and a friend in an airport trying scotch a few months ago...

Of course, you could always bring my other type (twins).
I'll be back for ADE this October.
Triplets would be ok too, but not until at least June (need to be in peak physical condition for triplets!)
Unless she's married to one of @Fitzgibbon's friends, in which case she wouldn't be my type (single). 😉 Thanks for taking requests @bettyboob, you're a gem. 💎


@scan0017 & @simone-enomis?

That is one spectacular explosive cocktail.

I know, but I think @scan0017 can handle it 😉

Are you sure? 😂
Doesn't matter.. she's married 😉
But the one in the middle is single! My bestie for over 20 years 😄

Followed because I am very interested to see the result of this. There's been a lot online these days on lifestyle and dietary and their effect on testosterone that you can't really know which is true or which is false.

That's the purpose of this initiative:
Where's the truth in all of it (if any...)?

Laying down some strict protocols here which can be duplicated by anyone, provided their physicians blessing, of course.

Thank you for your comment and interest @lordjames, I promise to you (and everyone reading), to see this through and report the results, whatever they may be.

Your food supply is I would say literally the same as mine, except last few days. As you know easter is always an exceptional when it comes to food 🥘. Well, we are now back in reality living healthy life. Looking forward you next post regarding the two lab results of your testosterone levels @scan0017😘. BTW: you look great on this picture though!

Thanks brother!
Aiming to get back there in three months 🤞


@beograd, thanks for the tip on deadlifts - I'll incorporate those into my routine.

Doing squats twice a week was my plan for moving the major muscle groups; and you're 100% right: Big weights pushed by the BIG muscles in your body kick up testosterone levels as a natural consequence.

As the saying goes: "If you want big arms, do squats."

In that photo I was doing 10 sets of 10 reps of squats with 275 pounds... Man I hope I can get back to that level!

TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy), prescribed by a physician, is certainly an option.

I want to try this first though...

Let's see what happens!

Edited line to show I like your blog and pay attention... 😉


Oh yes, so will I...
The longer I can put that off, the better!
Hence this study.
Thanks for your comments man, seriously - each time I engage on here I get more pumped for the next workout.


Proteins ...
They are our greatest source of power. But we should eat balanced food. I wish success to you. And first comment and vote :D

Yes Sir:
Protein is what your body uses to repair damaged muscle tissue (from heavy workouts in the gym).

In that photo above, my protein consumption was around 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Perhaps overkill, perhaps not.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the results speak for themselves.

Thanks for your comment and support brother!

You seem more like a Silvester Stallone.....Nice packs ...

Comments like yours are what feed my fire 🔥 to push through.
Thank you.

That should do it. I tried eating more eggs for this exact purpose. It gets old after a while. You should probably get creative.

Yup - That's where the spinach comes in, seasoned with garlic: Cook the eggs, dump in some fresh spinach, then add garlic.

Hope it doesn't get old TOO quickly...

Ok, this is something I seriously need right now.

And yeah, this is going to be interesting!!

Heck yeah man!
Thanks for following this ride 🤝

Great health
I like it this food, thanks for sharing this science.
I appreciate your valuable Post.............

I love that list of foods.
Well let's wait and see how!
I wanted to go to the gym but laziness is stronger than me.

Excellent article. I subscribed to your blog. I will follow your news.

Good luck to you!Hi @scan0017 I will be grateful if you subscribe to my blog @user2627