Onion is used in cooking and it is a medicine for many diseases too. Its due to the medicinal properties present in it. Onion is rich in Sulphur and it has Vitamin C, Vitamin B 6, Biotin, folic acid, calcium and fibre. Flavonoid is present in onion. Let us check what are the benefits we get if we take raw onions.
Onion reduces cholesterol and triglycerides. Sulphur present in it purifies the blood. It prevents freezing of Blood plates. Quercetin present in onion prevents blocks in arteries and reduces risk of heart attack. Anti-inflammatory quality present in onion relaxes breathing muscles and prevents asthma and breathing problems. Onion helps to prevent cold, cough, fever, sneezing and running nose. Anti-microbial effect present in onion cures the diseases caused by the food we take. It reduces the danger of ulcer. The soluble fibre present in onion increases the growth of bacteria in intestine. Constipation can be prevented if you take few raw onions everyday.
Antiseptic and Antimicrobial qualities present in Onion kills the Mycobacterium which causes tuberculosis. So people with tuberculosis should take raw onions. Onion is low in sodium and calories. It is cholesterol free and it reduces blood pressure. If you take raw onions everyday it flushes out toxins and purifies the blood. The properties present in onion purifies the blood, reduces swelling and increases the anti-cancer properties. Eating raw onions prevents digestive problems like loss of appetite, stomach bloating, kidney problems. Iron rich in onions cures anaemia. So people will low sugar should take some raw onions everyday. Taking raw onions helps to reduce sugar level and to control it.
Yes it's very good for health