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RE: I Am On A Diet Progress Report

in #health6 years ago (edited)

I wish people would stop lying to young men and women and telling them they can be healthy at any size. That is just not true. Being slim not only makes you feel better and look better, but it also means you learn to make better choices in other aspects of your life. People who are obese have no discipline, they over indulge and are ignorant of the consequences. Eating healthy food and not picking between meals together with fasting every day for at least 12 hours (time restricted fasting) will not only make you feel better physically


I agree @shihabieee, and I don't know of any medical doctors who tell their patients obesity is healthy. I do see a lot of online articles about accepting your body as it is, but if you are unhealthy, I don't think this type of mindset is healthy. I know when I get 20lbs over 140lbs I feel awful and my physical health is impacted, which also impacts my mental health.