Be warned

in #health8 years ago


Two people from the same Family died on Wednesday in UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL, UCH-IBADAN NIGERIA. The test results showed that they died due to "Leptospirosis". Infectious Organism was on the CAN DRINK they drank without use of Glass Cups, or Straw. "The cans were infected with dried urine of Mice containing Leptospirai."

Please note that "Can drinks" are stored in warehouses & delivered to retail stores without cleaning or disinfection procedures.

Recent Study shows that the top of all beverage cans are more contaminated with "pathogens" than public toilets.

Please always clean the Top end of Cans with water; if possible clean with disinfectant and water before opening & DO NOT put directly to your mouth. You may use a straw to prevent direct oral contact with the can!!!

It will cost you nothing to share this information and save a life!
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It is so sad that these people died because of something that was completely preventable. I cringe when I see people put a filthy can right from the store to their mouth. If I know the person, I usually tell them exactly what you said in your post. When the light goes out in the store or warehouse disease carrying insects and animals invade the place. Wash that can before putting it in your mouth.


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