Hello Everyone,
Hope you all are doing well.
I just wanted to share something and maybe some of you can give me some input if I'm taking proper action . First and foremost i it's been 4 weeks with vertigo😣. What fun no? Lol
Anyways i started drinking ginger root tea to help it. Was wondering if there is anything anyone may suggest to help relieve it more ? Yes i take a prescription for it , but it makes me feel like a zombie haha. I have never lasted this long with vertigo. I have other things that i may share but for now this is my main issue. Wanting to feel better and get back to normal. 😊
TYIA for any info or concern.
So sorry about your condition @shortcake! I can't help you, just wanted to say that I know someone dear to me with vertigo. Not fun at all :(
No , not fun at all 😕Thank you very much @abcdoctor. Just your concern means alot. I appreciate it very much .
Sorry you are dealing with this. Do you have inner ear issues?
I'm not sure . The dr never told me that i did.
Try googling vertigo and ask your doctor some questions. He's supposed to be helping address this issue, not just give you pills to mask the symptoms.
I will and thank you . Yes i know , something needs to get done so i may feel better soon.
I've had some vertigo problems in the past. There are a set of exercises that really do work. You basically roll back and forth and it repositions the little crystals in the inner ear. I'm guessing you are younger than me but it still will help.
Here's a website http://www.webmd.com/brain/brandt-daroff-exercise-for-vertigo-16844 They do have good resources there !
I still get occasional bouts but about 5 years ago I was unable to work, walk etc. Little to no problems for years. It does take a few days for it to really improve!
Check it out! Hoping things will be better soon for you!
Oooh thank you !! I definitely will do that . You have no idea how much this means to me. Anything I'm willing to try. I will be sure to look at that website. Again, thank you !! 😊😁
you're welcome. I know what it's like!
sending all your issues to our ex's :-D Lol