Hi, today I want to continue telling you about my story after the birth ... immediately after the birth, breastfeeding the baby is almost obligatory since in maternity they do not allow another way of feeding the baby and we are in Venezuela and the milk shortage maternity also forces exclusive breastfeeding. I took my baby in my arms and took it to my chest, he immediately had the instinct to suckle and the pain of the nipple grip was very strong, the baby sucked very strongly and had not spent more than a day of his birth when I could not stand the pain and burning in the nipples, they were red, cracked and with intense pain, as many people must have had if someone said that even with blood and pain I had to breastfeed, that the same saliva of the baby would leave me to heal, that I applied olive oil, that I applied this and that, a lot of things and none worked, apart from everything because there was little milk that came out and there were too many recipes to lower the milk, oatmeal water, or panela water, or hot milk and so anything that occurred to the opinion leaders who visited me, and insisted that I breastfeed but I felt that in the right breast and I could not put more .. It was a week, when I wanted to amamant I put it on my right breast and felt an intense pain from the nipple to the back, I felt as if I had been pierced by a knife and I cried out in pain and said no more, no more for now of this chest ... the next day in the consultation with the doctor who controlled my pregnancy I find the following, I have Mastitis: it is a breast infection that is caused by the obstruction of the milk ducts, reject the second suture that I had made and additional presented a kind of first degree burn by the prolonged use of sanitary towels due to bleeding still present, I felt that my life was chaotic, I had postpartum depression, between fibre, pain, without appetite, unable to hold the baby because of the pain I had in the right breast because I had it super charged and already the covered tube had produced an abscess with only 2 underarm levels ... the doctor prescribed treatment and I went back to the clinic a week later, where I had I have to squeeze the abscess no matter how sensitive, irritated, hard and inflamed, you can imagine how I spent it at that moment, then I had to return home to continue with the treatment a few days more, I had to breastfeed the baby from there to lower the nodules that had been made to me and the fever that was a consequence of that was lowered. It turns out that the baby broke my nipple in such a way that I stopped breastfeeding for that breast and fulfilled a treatment that the doctor told me, after a week I thought it had healed and I went back to feed the baby there and after a few minutes I saw blood, a lot of pain and burning, I decided to go to a mastologist and I changed part of the treatment that the other doctor had indicated and told me that if after 10 days he did not improve he would proceed to medicate me to dry my milk because that was doing a lot of damage, you can imagine that between wanting to breastfeed, milk scams or the high costs of it here in Venezuela I felt very bad, I thought about the welfare of my baby and still believed that breastfeeding was the best. On the fifth day of treatment my nipple was just as cracked, the chest hard, red, hot and with many nodules, and the nipple was missing pieces:
 and try to relieve my pain, and I told him No, that was not what I needed, that I needed was something to heal my nipple, I refused to accept their help, she insisted that I let her massage and then I accepted, miraculously the next day I noticed improvement in the nipple and I thought that maybe it was just a product of my imagination, however I decided to grab a little cream and apply directly to the nipple and another little gauze that I put on top of the nipple and I changed it every so often, after the days my chest improved incredibly, however I waited about 15 days in total before putting the baby back to me and when I started giving again I did it once a day one day and one day, then I gave it every day but only once or twice a day and so I was I went until I could give him his normal shots at free demand although sometimes with a teat cup to avoid hurting me again.
Thankful to God and my sister because from then on I was able to breastfeed my baby until 6 months exclusively! Breastfeeding is the most beautiful thing for a mother and for the development of the baby!
They will be wondering what is the miraculous cream, what is it called? If you are interested, ask me!