Living with CFS: good days and bad days

in #health7 years ago

"But you don't look sick?"

How about now?

There are good days and bad days. Good days get work done, better days get makeup and selfies. Bad days get painkillers, epsom salts baths, Zeolite or activated charcoal, grumbling at Teddy for yelping at Flash because his big brother just jumped over the wall and for being louder than the neighbors dog, which means I have to get up and fetch him in.
Bad days also mean trying to sleep but having nightmares when you do. It's chills and fever, which you feel but can't measure because your body doesn't register higher than 37.8, just another autoimmune party trick. I had one fever that was 35.6. I'm having a negative fever! Lol. ( celcius)

I can draw a map of my organs because they're all inflamed and I can tell exactly how big and where they are.

Maar ek kla darm lekker né?

Anyhow. This is me. Tomorrow will be different.
Why is it like this today? We did grocery shopping last night for 45 minutes.

Hope you're having a good day



Ai toggie Lizelle, wens ek is n feetjie met n 'magic wand' en tower jou weer gesond, dink aan jou, more sal n beter dag wees !

Baie dankie Lizelle :) Ek hoop dit gaan goed met jou ook.

Feel better soon! I rarely have makeup and selfie days now haha

Hehe. I'm not big on wearing makeup or taking selfies, but trying to make more of an effort when I do leave the house especially over Christmas. Saving the pajama days for the rest of the year 🙂

Haha agree! Some days dressing up and putting on makeup make me feel so good!

Praying you are feeling so much better tomorrow! My kidneys were acting up today so I left work early and have barely left my couch. I feel for you. Chronic disease SUCKS!!!

Oh no! I hope you get relief soon and that resting will help.
It sure does!

I’m feeling a bit better, mostly just tired and am upset tummy. I’m hoping sleep helps.

disease SUCKS!! but never giveup, iIhad lungs cancer in 2009, and i beat it, few days ago i diagnosed with gallbladder stone and doctor recomend me to do surgery, m taking medicine right now and enjoy every moment of life..

Wow, congratulations! Beating lung cancer is no small feat.
I've had my gallbladder out, still have the stone in a drawer somewhere. Lol. It's funny the things that gross people out. Hope the medicine helps and that you get an answer for your stone soon.

Oh man! I feel for you. The "invisible" illnesses are the worst in a lot of ways because you aren't taken seriously which really sucks. I hope you are having a brighter day!

Thanks Chelsea. Every day is different and unpridictable. I'm pretty much Captain Unreliable for the next couple of months. But hopefully this treatment helps again. Hope you're having a great day too :)

Liz I really hope tomorrow is different. And u got some rest today this heat does not help anything lots of love

Thanks Sal. Luckily it hasn't been too bad here today. Definitely a plus of living so close to the ocean. :) I watched a lot of series today lol. My brother is on his way with dinner now.

Hang in there Lizelle, this too shall pass. You are a very wise and brave young woman.

Yay! You got it to work again! Dankie Mamma. Dit voel nie altyd so nie.
Hey everyone! This is my mom @grethtaventer.

Yikes! Days like this will make the good days so much better. Stay strong.

Thanks Mike!