**Benefits of jackfruit, and Danger of jackfruit**

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit friends, let's understand a little about Jackfruit

Jackfruit is a fibrous fruit that has a distinctive smell and taste. This fruit is commonly consumed in several Asian countries such as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. Jackfruit flesh contains starch and fruit is also known to benefit the health. Jackfruit is a food source rich in vitamins A, C, thiamin, potassium, calcium, riboflavin, iron, niacin, and zinc. The fruit also has a low-calorie fiber good for heart disease patients.


Here are ten benefits of Jackfruit Fruit

  1. Potassium in the jackfruit is effective in reducing the possibility of heart disease because it can drop blood pressure.

  2. Jackfruit is also beneficial for eye health and skin. This fruit contains vitamin A which treat eye health and skin softness. Jackfruit also suffers from disorders such as macular degeneration and night blindness. Wow! Lots of benefits from jackfruit for the health of our bodies

  3. Jackfruit can be quite ulcers and digestive disorders. This high-fiber fruit is not constipated and facilitates bowel movements.

  4. Natural sugar such as fructose and sucrose in jackfruit make it an energy source. Jackfruit can increase energy and does not contain saturated fat or cholesterol.

  5. With phyto-nutrients and vitamin C, jackfruit has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. These nutrients can keep you from the dangers of cancer and slow cell degeneration to save the body from degenerative diseases.

  6. The nutritional benefits of jackfruit are a diet rich in vitamin C and A. Anti-oxidant nutrients in strong immune system and bacteria.

  7. Health benefits from jackfruit to bone. This fruit is good for young children in maintaining bone health. The jackfruit is rich in magnesium that strengthens bones and saves the body from bone disorders like osteoporosis

  8. One of the health benefits of jackfruit is to protect healthy thyroid. Mineral minerals and copper in jackfruit are also effective for thyroid metabolism. It is very good for producing hormones and absorption.

  9. Root is a good medicine for people suffering from asthma. Boiling root and jackfruit extract can help to control asthma.

  10. The content of iron in these fibrous fruits helps to overcome anemia and improve blood circulation in the body.



Four Danger of Jackfruit Fruit for health

  1. Can trigger the occurrence of diabetes in the body. Glucose levels in jackfruit can be said to be low, but consuming jackfruit can lead to excessive diabetes, because jackfruit have glucose levels are likely very much, if we consume it excessively it can lead to diabetes.

  2. Can trigger the occurrence of heart disease. Jackfruit fruit rich in vitamins and substances that are in need of the body turned out to trigger heart disease, why because it consumes too much jackfruit can increase and replace red blood cells quickly, if we consume excessively it can trigger heart disease.

  3. Can trigger the occurrence of high blood pressure. For those who have or suffer from high blood pressure, do not consume jackfruit, because jackfruit contains many thiamine, potassium and iron that helps blood, if consume the blood on the body will increase dramatically.

  4. Can trigger respiratory problems. Papain, an enzyme contained in papaya is a powerful allergen, when consuming papaya in excessive amounts of papaya can trigger a variety of respiratory disorders, such as: cause stomach pain, blocked breathing, nasal tract disorders, powdery allergies and asthma. Then papaya can disrupt the digestive system, causing abdominal pain characterized by: nausea, abdominal cramps, bloating, flatulence.

Hopefully useful for us and beloved family

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follow @traxiko , I'll follow back instantly just to help each others ♥

Oke Thank You @traxiko

done ;) ♥

splandid great my freind i love what you doing for us

I like it... jackfruit fruit is very good if we make a compote.