Did you know that if a member of your family is obese, there is a chance that the other members of the family are also obese? Science explains it
Obesity is one of the most worrisome public health problems in our country. Since Mexico occupies the second place worldwide with this problem.
Being obese has many consequences, this because it increases the risk of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and even some types of cancer.
The family not only inherits genes, but also food habits.
When we are overweight we associate that is due to poor diet or the lifestyle we lead, but what if it is a hereditary problem?
If your parents are fat, are you meant to be too?
Science explains that the desire to eat certain types of food comes from your ancestors. In the past they did not have the same access to food as they do today, so they ate as much as they could whenever they had the opportunity to do so.
The theory says that with evolution the human being has control over the food supply; however, it is not like that. The food controls us.
According to historians, the overweight that exists today is natural, clarifying that it does not mean that it is correct.
The obesity gene FTO (fat gene and associated obesity), has a direct effect on BMI (Body Mass Index) and is the culprit that we crave food with fat.
We have many genes, but if you inherit two copies of the FTO you are 50% more likely to be an obese person.
Fight against genes
Maybe you have a predisposition to be obese and if you add an unhealthy diet to it, rest assured that you will be.
Even people with this gene can overcome overweight, it's just a matter of good eating habits.
Salud180 wants you to recover your self-esteem and allow yourself to be happy by changing your habits and losing weight. That is why we have created your program: "Easy and Fit" in 35 days.
You will have daily advice that will make your weight loss easier, while improving your habits.
Definitely just a consequence of our environment. You don't see cubans worrying about obesity.