Great post.
I actually try to fast at least once a month for 24-36hours. I believe our body is a biological machine designed to handle extremes - feast and famine. And we are simply not made to constantly take in calories the way we do in our modern life.
I always feel amazing after the fast and have a heightened mental clarity, more energy, and very keen sense of smell for anything delicious. :D
Thank you @somethingsubtle ! I am currently on a 16 hour/day fasting protocol. That leaves me with 8 hours/day to eat. Usually I fast 10pm-2pm. I've never felt better or performed better in my entire life! And I'm so glad you said that about having enhanced senses for food! Every. Single. Day. When I break my fast my meal tastes SO GOOD! Granted I spoil myself with great tasting, organic food, but every bite I take tingles my taste buds. Amazing feeling.