Why You Are Sick

in #health8 years ago

This is the first article in a series that will explore why the majority of the population is far sicker, dumber and poorer than they should be.

I will also provide means for which you can reattain some of that lost potential.


Sore throat, headaches, nausea and fatigue. Depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's. Cancer, heart disease, COPD and more. We could list a plethora of medical conditions that humans are afflicted by in the twenty first century. That's discounting the many ailments we suffer that are not recognized as clinical illnesses, such as a crippled sense of motivation or a loss of life's "zest."

For the average human being, living in modern society, there is no escaping disease. Through Hollywood and our history books, we are led to believe that ubiquitous illness is merely a natural part of the cycle of life. But is it?

Conveniently, history—in terms of antiquity— is unverifiable at best. We cannot be sure what is misinterpreted information, inaccurately deduced uncoveries, or intentionally misleading tales perpetuated to serve an agenda. With such unreliable information, we cannot be sure whether today's world is healthier than that of our ancient ancestors, nor whether the sickness that pollutes our Earth is one ascribed by nature itself.

What we can do however, is cut out the middle man who's unprovable words we are supposed follow dogmatically, and put trust in our own observations and memories of the progression of disease so that we might arrive at our own conclusion on whether the many diseases we see in society today are naturally occurring— or not.

The Progression Of Disease In Recent History

There is so much misinformation about disease rates out there, which is hardly surprising. Many interested parties stand to profit from exaggerated rates, though the acquisition of funding allocated for so-called "research purposes." Others are in a position to deceive by means of modest rates, perhaps because they are directly responsible for the increase, or they would like to be able charge higher fees for medications by downplaying the amount of people who have the condition, thus increasing the value of whatever treatment is allegedly necessary.

In truth, it's hard to find any information that hasn't been tainted for one reason or another in this world, so when it comes to something like this, we can be a better source of information than we realise.

I am but 29 years old, yet in my short lifetime, I am able to remember a time when cancer was something they told us that 1 in 7 people would contract at some point in their lifetime. Now, they tell us it is 1 in 2. If we were to act as unscientific as modern science, and decided to extrapolate backwards and postulate the result as fact, then we could state that a 2000 years ago the rate of cancer was less than 1 in 10000.

Now, we should not do this. Because we cannot know this. But we can trust in our own memories and think of how common cancer was when we were children. Then think about how common it is now. Based on my experience, and I suspect also on your own, there has been a notable increase in the terminal illness.

This is just one condition though. How am I, at only 29 years old, able to remember a childhood where autism was such a rarity that ignorant children would ridicule the 1 autistic child in school? And now, there are bus-loads of autistic children with the condition becoming a normal and expected part of society.

There is also depression. This has exploded into society in the last decade and it is unlikely that any person reading this does not know at least one person with severe depression. I happen to know quite a few who have it very bad.

Indulge in a few moments of reflection and I'm adamant that the majority of you will come to the conclusion that sickness in general, both mental and physical, is increasing at an observable rate, far quicker than the rate with which the population is increasing.

Why Is This Happening?

Depending on who you ask this question, you will always get a different answer. Yet, that does not mean that any of those answers are necessarily wrong. Is it additives in our food? Yes. Is it toxins in our water supply? Yes. Is it EMF radiation emanating from smart meters, mobile phones and WiFi routers? Quite possibly. Is it chemtrails, prescription drugs and unnecessary vaccinations keeping our immune systems defeated? I think you know what the most likely answer to that is.

One can know all of these things, but it doesn't really answer the question why we are sick. Only how are we getting sick. What I have found, and what some may find it difficult to entertain as a possibility, is that the reason we are sick, is because they want us to be sick.

Who are "they?"

This is a more difficult question to answer. I am not certain of a lot things in this life, but I am certain that the pharmaceutical industry is one part that forms the collective "they" in this context. If you do not believe this, trouble yourself with some research into "codex alimentarius." You will find the most insidious of agendas. A long standing plan to abolish organic farming, introduce genetically modified foods and livestock into every aspect of "nutrition," place restrictions on all natural remedies and vitamins, and ultimately remove labels on food so that you can never know what it is you're actually eating.

This initiative is long underway, and I have seen a number of their goals come intro fruition in my short life. Only 10 years ago, if you purchased some vitamins from a store, you would get grams of healthy nutrition that done wonders for the body. Now, if you buy vitamin supplements, you need only look at the label, then make use of a computer to see that the milligrams of nutrients that are now inside has no benefit to the body at all. GMO's are also everywhere now, even in Europe where they are supposed to be banned, but loopholes have been exploited to bring them here without consumer knowledge. I don't think we are too far from labels being stripped off of food packaging if we continue at this rate.

Some people have a hard time believing this, in spite of the information being out there and openly available. The main obstacle to accepting it, is the inability to comprehend what benefit this would be to anyone. Well, if the human body is not nourished correctly, the body becomes susceptible to illness. Illness generates profits, through drug sales and medical procedures, so the pharmaceutical industry has essentially turned every human being's life into a continuous revenue stream from the moment of birth until death.

This is the only "they" that I can prove(and that you can prove for yourself with a bit of time and conviction) to be actively making an effort to sicken the people of this world. But, I have my suspicions about several other parties who stand to gain from the human population being far below optimum health. I will not speculate in this regard, for enough has been said to demonstrate why there are forces manipulating the environment to ensure we remain as sick as possible.

What Can We Do About It?

It is not within my power to prevent these fuckers from spraying the skies with harmful metallic compounds every day. Nor can I put a stop to them stripping every piece of sustenance from our food and replacing it with toxic ingredients that no one should be ingesting. I can't do anything about the telephone towers or smart meters that are assaulting our bodies practically all day and night. I'm unable to stop doctors from delivering harmful drugs to everyone in society for the silliest of reasons.

Sorry. But, I can't do shit to help you. However, you can help yourself. The most important thing to understand is that the human body is far more powerful than we have been told. If we were as weak and vulnerable as they say, then they would only need to implement one method of keeping sick to get the desired result, but they need tons of them. This is because we are very resilient and adaptable. It is the accumulative effects of all the aforementioned hazards, as well as the most crippling one of all-- a negative mindset(which is encouraged by society) that forces our bodies into a position where it can create the necessary environment for disease to occur.

It is impossible to save yourself from all these poisons, but we do not have to. We need only eliminate a few of them to give our body the necessary boost to begin to fight the rest of them itself. Think of distancing yourself from smart meters and converting your WiFi into wired internet instead. Think of eating the best food available, while it still is. I refer to organic vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, but you may have your own take on what diet is natural for a human. Understand that it is not in the best interest of a drug company to cure you, unless they are giving you another illness in the process. They are a profit driven industry, and they do not care about you. When you realise this, you will know it is always better to use natural remedies than anything proscribed by a doctor. If you suffer from chronic pain, do not take pain killers. Use meditation or cannabis, or both, to fight your discomfort.

Do as many of these as you are able to, and you will find yourself being one of the few in today's world who are not constantly riddled with one sickness after another. But, make sure you bring your greatest ally to this battle for your health and well-being; positivity. The mind is such a powerful thing. You need only know that you are going to be healthy and you will be. The body is slave to the mind, and so even if you are very ill, if you can believe(as cheesy as it sounds) that you will recover, you will recover. If you don't believe this, go and look up the percentage of recoveries in hospitals that are actually placebos. And if we use common sense we can realise that, just because they know that people recovered whilst getting a placebo, does not mean that the people who really did get the drug were cured by the drug, and not by their belief in the drug. So I would argue that more people are cured by their own minds than the drugs they were given than they realise themselves. Your mind can be a weapon, but it can be a much better set of armour. All you must do is recognize it as such.

This is why you may be sick, and why you don't have to be anymore.

Next up: Why You Are Dumb

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I totally agree with you that ingesting drugs as few as possible and eating vegan foods is a good way to being less sick.
Even when I have a cold, I rarely take anything, I just wait until it's gone.
I have become vegan last October, this being the result of a long journey.

That's definitely my opinion. The energy levels that veganism can bring is unbelievable. Hard not to believe it is the natural diet when you have felt the difference that adhering to it can bring your mind and body.

As for drugs, prescription drugs at least, I'd rather suffer than take them. They physically alter your body in a way that I'm not convinced you can return from. Doctors are so quick to proscribe drugs for any ailment, when not so long ago, the Hippocratic oath used to include a part about NEVER giving harmful drugs to patients, and always offering dietary advice as means of improving their health. Now it's just about profit, and nothing to do with health. We have fallen so fucking far.

Thank you very much for opening our eyes and raising awareness. Please, do continue!

Your post was upvoted, resteemed and featured on Steemit Appreciation Friday No. 11 - thank you for contributing to the community. You are followed now :)

Thank you for that, and good selection. Though, you linked the wrong post, I went and found the right one. I gave you a resteem. Enjoy your trip!

Thank you very much on both accounts. These copy paste mistakes will be the end of me :) Corrected!

The pharmaceutical companies need profit, at the end of the day people align money with happiness. Unfortunately; for us people are starting to equate happiness with health. This is the move they knew we would make. When money failed us we moved on the our health we they already have robbed us blindly for years of that resource. Move on to religion or finding afterlife; this same scientist/leaders are preaching no God, no afterlife... yet remain in standing agreement that Jesus be the cause for most wars through history. Taking our religion means taking our hope in a sense. With hope gone, people become dispared searching for something they can not find. It eludes them and they chase after it (happiness). They gave us a glimpse into their lives with money flying freely, Shaq living for 25 years with aids (dude 25 years when aids was like holy fuck aids your going to die tomorrow aids), and now they talk about their happy as can be. Very few elites admit to feeling unhappy. I have said this twice today: Down syndrome people are relatively a happy bunch. Spend time with someone with Down syndrome. They are pretty happy, compassionate, empathic, and loving. And most of them do not have spare money, the elusive perfect health, or stunning good looks. Yet they are a happy bunch for the most part. We are buying into these lies when the answer
Is right in front of us. As for me... I'll be
Would rather be graced by true happiness then rewarded by a con artist selling fake Happy.

This is a lovely little comment-- perhaps even post worthy. And, I'm in agreement with you. Humanity seems to have lost sight of what is important, what is natural, and what they need, or more importantly- what they do not need to be content in life.

I agree mostly but contentment is not happiness. Contentment is to be content (satisfied to the least amount in the shortest time possible); happiness is to embrace a joyous lifestyle and/or mentality (satisfied to the highest degree over the longest period of time). I don't have time to research articles to write them to the grade I deem appropriate so that is why you shall see no research articles from me and a long line of winded comments. I want to partake in the debate, but time constraints limit being the speaker. For now a enjoy playing the respondent.

Lol. You cannot simply redefine words based on your own interpretation of them... Content is effectively synonymous with happy, so I meant exactly what you described as happiness, when I used the word content.

In many cases, it takes as long to write a fruitful comment as it does a short post. And there needn't be research involved if you are merely sharing your own thoughts; like in the comment you initially posted here.

Steemit seems to be rather appreciative of a bit of philosophy at times.

It was just google search of the words. Not thoughts. Anybody can google search so I don't feel that need to be copyrighted. Is google search engine a source or is it a resource? I don't know. I get their images are copyrighted but the evolution of language is that also copyrighted by google? Probably. Anytime you put a word into google say any word at all and write meaning after the word it pops up the full meaning, translation, source, and foundation of the word. Everyone knows that so that's what I did to show you an easier way if you were using a dictionary or tracing words through another context.

Forgive me, but I am not entirely sure what you are getting at.

I would say the definition of any given is word is determined by an involuntary consensus between the population or culture that uses it. Whatever most people interpret it as, is what it should mean, which is why the definition of words needs to be updated in dictionaries at times.

Your comment about the definition inspired me to check google myself in order to ensure I was not misusing the word, and I found that I was not. So, I am unsure of where you are finding this definition of content that you shared with me, but I am unable to find it, and you are the first I have known to understand it to mean what you claimed it means.

The number one definition for content is "a state of peaceful happiness." This is exactly what most people want, and that's why I used the word, whether I remembered the exact definition or not. There is no mention of a time frame to suggest that content is short lived whilst happiness is long term, so I can only assume you added that part to the definition on your own. Hence why I thought you were redefining the word.

image ![image] see content to be satisfied with the quality but want for more. Look up happy and it is to be satisfied with both the quantity and quality without the want of more. Contentment is on the bottom rung of the happy meter. If you were to rate your happy one to ten it would be 1 for content and 10 for bliss. The words are not interchangeable. They have very different meanings. I don't want to be content in life... because that's to be in the lowest optimum of joyous living. Good wishes for you sent. Think of sadness we have the blues, Ruts, depression, deep depression, and suicide. If you say someone that committed suicide had a mere case of the blues you would be wrong. Same applies to the otherside of the matrix: to say someone that is in a state of contentment is blissfully happy is wrong. Contentment=euphoria I think not. Best day to you.

Okay. Now I understand the problem. You are essentially using a different word, although it is spelled in the same manner.

The word content, within the context I used it in my article, was an adjective. This adjective means a state of peaceful happiness, which if anything is even better than happiness in itself.

You are referring to the verb content. That's a completely different word with an entirely different meaning. That word means, "to settle for less," to put it in simple terms.

It's like if you went to a bar and wanted some Jack Daniel's, but the bartender told you there is none left. You would then content yourself by ordering a Captain Morgan's instead. You're happy with it, but it's not what you initially wanted.

I hope this clarifies things.

Edit: I just read the end of your comment and I must inform you, that once again you are incorrect.

to say someone that is in a state of contentment is blissfully happy is wrong.

The word contentment is tied to the noun content, not the verb, and thus, it means exactly what you think it does not.

There are many diets out there, but the worst ones, the ones that are known to be bad are underwritten by The U.S. govern-cement.

The food pyramid is dangerous for your health, especially if, for the grains section you get processed, sugar filled cereals from the largest section of the supermarket.

And the "fat-free" diet, is DEADLY!!! Your body needs fat. It does not need straight sugar. So, you get that "fat-free" candybar, and you destroy your body and ... get fat. Fat is about the hardest thing for your body to turn into fat cells. Sugar is the easiest. And since your body need good oils for the nerve pathways and your liver, the fat free diet will kill you, or give you alzheimer's, and then kill you.

To be honest, I don't think there is much food at all out there anymore that is rich in nutrients. Not available at price the average citizen can afford at least. It becomes a matter of finding the food that has the less poison in it, and that the body can draw the most nourishment from.

For the past ten years I have adhered to this philosophy, and they have been the healthiest of my entire life. Beyond the first year, I have not suffered from a sickness that my body didn't fight off in easily half the time it used to take, in most cases much faster than that even.
Well done, I hope more people wake up to the simple truths in this article.

I'm not troubled by sickness either. Other than some headaches rather often as of late. But, I'm convinced that's to do with staring a bright screen creating content for Steemit. Lol.

As I said in the post, I think a positive mentality is a very large part of it. It's no secret that stress and worry increases levels of cortisol in the system, which provides the necessary conditions for so many diseases to develop.

It's inspiring, and motivating to hear you have been on this path for a decade. I hope to achieve the same thing.