Earlier in my story, I had mentioned noticing little things with Bentley that were sorta off.
Nothing super alarming though at the time. We honestly thought it was just a “boy” thing. I mean we were all kids at one point, and let's be real... it was impossible to sit still and be quiet! Being loud and having fun is what it's all about back then. Little did we know after he turned 5, our world would get turned upside down and the struggles of being a mother were about to get real, real fast. My emotions, faith and strength would begin to be shaken.
You know how people say the small things in life can carry you to big things... well that's kinda what happened here.
These symptoms started small: delayed speech, constant movement, loud talking, noise making (grunt, clearing throat or random squeal)... something just to get annoyed with, but it never crosses your mind he couldn't control it. Then it was facial tics. This here is when it punched me in my gut. I literally remember waking up and thinking it was nightmare. You know when you talk to your child and it's about something important, so you want that eye contact... well for Bentley at this point, he wasn't able to. His eyes would literally roll to the back of his head. I remember freaking out and having my husband watch him, he noticed it right away. (Before anyone freaks out, this ONLY happened when he tried making eye contact. Other than that, he would act “normal”).
A few days after that, we start hearing Bentley complain of headaches. I don't know where your mind is going exactly right now reading this, but for me, mine went straight to worse case scenario! Cancer does run strong on my side. All I could think was, "Lord please don't do this to me. Don't do this to my sweet innocent boy."
I wasn't sure if I would be strong enough to handle this. I cried so many nights, scared out of my own mind. I know when I say this most moms will know what I'm talking about. That mommy gut feeling where you need to do something, but it doesn't feel right... I was to that point. I knew he needed medical help, but I couldn't pick up the phone to call the doctors. I kept getting a check in my spirit every time I picked up the phone and stared at the number. There was actually one point when Bentley's baby sister had an appointment with our doctor, he even noticed that something was off. But he looked so confused when I was describing all the symptoms. It was like another sign that going this route wasn't right. There's no telling what they would have put him through and I wasn't going to allow him to become a “lab rat”.
This was all happening around the holidays, so thankfully my mother-in-law (who is “nutty” when it comes to organic things and supplements), uses an herbalist instead of a regular doctor. I remember calling her one day and for some reason I was getting peace of mind when I kept thinking of the herbalist she would talk about. So anyways, I call her after Christmas or New Years, and asked if she'd noticed anything off about Bentley. She told me some things. I broke down and told her I was scared that he had a tumor growing and I didn't know what to do. I wasn't getting any peace in my spirit with the doctor, so she suggested her herbalist. She immediately called Carolyn, made an appointment and we were in shortly after. Tomorrow I will go into detail on what we find out and give a little insight on the tools being used to help detect the problem.
Carolyn has her PhD.
She has Board Certifications as a Master Herbalist, Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath and Homeopath.
check out http://ozarkherbalist.com/about.html
Hey now! Who are you calling "nutty"?! I'd say pot is calling the kettle! LOL! I just thank God for Carolyn. IMO, He has blessed her with a gift in addition to her education, experience and equipment.
yes, i agree 100%!
Oh wow! Thank God for your mother-in-law. She was a huge blessing. I know exactly what you mean when we, as mothers, think of the worst case scenario when it comes to our kids. God is good!
She's been a huge blessing in my life or family's actually! We love her more than she'll ever know! Carolyn is such a sweet soul! I believe if more people in the health care industry was more like her, the world could see change. But we thank God everyday! Hope you have a blessed day @tidan86
All the time! Amen! Carolyn has been a HUGE blessing in my life and now my grandson's ... Thank you God for Dr. Carolyn!