Do you believe in the benefits of Coconut Oil?

in #health9 years ago

Dr. Mary Newport has a theory that ketone bodies, which the body makes when digesting coconut oil, may be an alternative fuel for the brain. She believes that coconut oil may offer profound benefits in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. If her theory is accurate, it could be one of the greatest natural health discoveries in years.

Man eats 2 tbs of coconut oil for 60 days and this is what happens to him


Although it sounds good and promising, I suggest to be careful with articles and advices of this kind. Many health organizations advise against the consumption of coconut oil due to its high levels of saturated fat, including FDA and WHO. Coconut oil contains a large proportion of lauric acid, a saturated fat. Persistent consumption of coconut oil may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Personally I have never used it orally but I did use it on a daily basis as a face moisture cream. The Web was full about its benefits, so I decided to try it as a home remedy for my very dry&sensitive skin. After two months skin flakes were all over my face, skin highly irritated and red. I ended up treated by my dermatologist for dermatitis. It took more than two months to go back to my normal.

To make a long story short, Dr. Newport started giving a daily dose of coconut oil to her husband, Steve. Just 60 days after he started taking it, Dr. Newport recalls that Steve was alert and happy, talkative and making jokes, and the tremor he’d developed was less noticeable. He was able to concentrate on one task instead of being easily distracted. Steve receives about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil twice a day, to make sure that there are no periods where ketone bodies aren’t circulating.

Sounds like its working for him. Personally, I take a small spoonful of coconut oil several times per week. I don't think it is about belief. There are scientific studies to support coconut oil benefits, as well other substances. I should probably post some here, but don't have the time to find at the moment. Experience counts as well; try it for yourself and see if you see any benefit (or harm).

This is the idea behind bulletproof coffee too. The coconut oil and grass fed butter give your brain everything it needs, plus you get your regular dose of caffeine. It allows you to skip lots of morning carbs and still get moving. It takes some getting used to, but seems to work better than oil capsules and gives you lots more energy.

I tried coconut oil for a few weeks once. Gave me an extreme case of lethargy and foggy-headedness each time I took it though. Apparently this was due to something known as "candida die-off", since my intestines were supposedly overrun with candida bacteria that give off strange toxins when they're killed by the coconut oil. Also gave me the runs. :P So I gave it up after a few weeks and felt normal again.

Now I just drink a truckload of milk a day to get my saturated fats in. lol

I can recommend coconut oil conditioner - works better than any chemical product bought at the store!