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RE: How Much Anger is 'Normal'? The Role of Anger in Evolution And Maintaining Free Will / Balance.

in #health7 years ago

Anger and Love do not exist together. It is either Love or it is "not love". Believing the two exist in harmony is your own intellect trying to convince yourself that you are right. This view can only lead to confusion and inevitable destructive tendencies.

Your statement; "A state of being that has no emotion is psychopathic and psychotic." Is clearly incorrect and quite dangerous to believe. I am sad that you appear to have had very poor meditation teachers. Think of "emotion" as "Energy in Motion", it comes from within. It is generally a response to external stimuli or an imagined concept.

Energy moves in 3 ways; -Transmit, Receive and Neutrality. Learning to be neutral is simply the ability to not transmit or receive. To equate this state of being as "Psychopathic and psychotic" is a terrible comparison for your readers and very irresponsible. Anger, after all, is the emotional tendency that becomes psychopathy.

Neutrality is peace, calmness and oneness with the internal universe and the external universe. It is singularity, it is harmony. -And as I stated above; "Anger is the purest form of Blame". Consider where your energy is directed when you are feeling anger. What is the nature of the intention? Whatever you are focusing anger upon, you are blaming.

Surely you can see that anger is aggression. It is transmitting a destructive and violent force outside of oneself TOWARDS something else. Equating anger with courage is also a terrible and dangerous comparison. In the state of courage, anger is not the intention which creates the force you are directing, Love is the intention. if "fight, flight or freeze" is necessary then the autonomic system steps away from love and becomes purely focused on the singular purpose of survival or protection. Nothing else exists in that moment.

Courage is Love, anger is not Love.

It is very important to understand that MEDITATION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DENIAL. To state it as such is again very uninformed and frankly quite ridiculous. Meditation is about quieting the intellect so that one can understand energy and the mind that is making the decisions to create the energy. It is actually, similar to what you mentioned originally, it is learning acceptance and recognition of the energy. This recognition is beyond the intellect and its many "programs".

From the point of recognition and realization, the energy can then be consciously transformed from destructive to creative. That's really the purpose of learning "self mastery". -Becoming a responsible and effective creator.

Love equals Unity. Anger equals separation. It is as simple as that. This really can't be argued, though I'm sure you will try. The two are entirely different forms of energy.


I would suggest meditating again, this time try without the intellect measuring, comparing or trying to give meaning to what you are doing. Focus on awareness of the internal self and the external self simultaneously. Feel that they are indeed one. Learn to sustain this state of calm and connected being. Then you won't need the animal response of anger.

Meditation steps away from intellectual brain processing towards the first language of the Universal Mind...




I really don't have enough time to reply in full to this presently. It is a multi faceted topic that requires extensive conversation and understanding to realise why there is a gap in perception here. I highly recommend these books to explain what we disagree on:

No worries @urasoul, thanks for taking the time you did to respond. It is good to have rapport on such important issues.

Keep shining,

You are welcome - I do explain and write about this topic a lot, but right now I am snowed under with tasks!