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RE: Top 5 Reasons To NOT Take Vaccines

in #health8 years ago

Thanks for the comment. Yes, that's true, people can do whatever they want with their own body. That said, if a person wants to put something in their body, wouldn't it be to their benefit to know the ingredients and their effects? In order to do that, the lies about vaccines that are disseminated by the control structure need to be exposed and the truth must be brought to light. To use a different, more extreme example to illustrate the point. Suppose someone buys a chocolate bar that says it is 100 percent chocolate. In reality, it is chocolate mixed with strychnine. Wouldn't a person want to know the truth in order to avoid being poisoned?


You have a point there. People should know whats in it. But if the air is not 100% clean, would you stop breathing?

I found out what a lie the flu vaccine was, at least in the U.S., after moving to Japan. Of course it's mostly about the money. The kids went in for their check up and the doctor asked if they had their flu shots, "Every year," I said. His face immediately contorted and he repeated questioningly, "Every year? Where?" I told him in the arm and he laughed, typical U.S. he mumbled. He then explained that the flu shots are good for about twenty years if injected into the blood, where the antibodies can be stored in your blood. Apparently when a shot goes into the muscle, the body doesn't retain or manufacture the antibodies on it's own, creating the need for a yearly shot. Five years later, none of the kids have had flu despite being around it at school. I'd like to mention that I am NOT advocating getting shots, but rather illustrating how big companies manipulate the "availability"of truth.

Good points. Thanks for your input.