
I wish you did too. You're one of my favorite curmudgeons, and I hope to be called to account for my frivolity by you again soon.

Stay frosty.

i have considered the possibilities(and inevitability) of my own death since before i joined the corps. about 50 readings of shogun have given me more of a stoic understsnding of lif ethan any reading of ol' marcus. i find mnyself comforting one woman who is more affected by the possibility of my death than i am, and trying to figure out how to rebuild bridges with anothwe woman who is outraged by my mocking attitude about my final shuffle off stage
i talked with my uncle, a former nam marine who is in cancer remission atm, and we agreed that whatever happens, happens

I die every night in my dreams. It gets boring LOL. It is something we face more often, and more poignantly, as we age. You however are less able than I to just scroll past those images and thoughts when faced with them.

I can only hope I can rise to your example when I can't just scroll by.