Our body consists of more than 50% water, so it is normal that it sends us signals when we do not drink enough. On average, you should drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. The experts recommend to distribute your consumption well over the day so that the feeling of thirst is not felt. For thirsting means that your body is already suffering from dehydration.
Do you drink enough water daily? Pay attention to the following signs to know
1. Thirst - the great classic
Thirst is already a warning signal for your body. This means that he has not been sufficiently hydrated and that he urgently needs water.
2. Headache
If you regularly suffer from headaches, it can simply be bad hydration. The blood is no longer sufficiently diluted and therefore can not carry enough oxygen to the brain. So instead of throwing yourself on the aspirin box, first drink a large glass of water or a herbal tea.
3. Problems of concentration
Our brain is composed of 70% of water which is used especially for cellular exchanges. If the brain is not hydrated enough, you may find it difficult to concentrate, think and even your mood may be affected.
4. Dark urine
The color of the urine also indicates a lack of water. Without the amount of fluid needed, your kidneys are forced to work more and eliminate more toxins, which will give that dark color to your urine.
5. Dry skin
If you do not supply enough water to your body, you are going to have a dull, tired and dry skin. The water available in your body will first be used to feed the vital organs and the cells of your skin will have to wait their turn which will dry it out and make it more prone to irritations.
6. Constipation
When you drink water, a large amount is used by your intestines to soften the stool. Hard, dry stools are therefore a sign of poor hydration. It is very important to drink enough, especially when you eat foods high in fiber (such as whole wheat products). The fibers will then absorb the liquid, inflate and make your stools softer and therefore easier to evacuate. This will also promote intestinal transit.
7. Dizziness
The main reason for dizziness is usually a low blood pressure. This can result, among other things, from a lack of hydration. The blood can no longer be properly diluted and is pumped more slowly through the body.
8. Fatigue
Do not drink enough water will slow down the metabolism which will cause general fatigue and dizziness.
9. Muscle cramps
Muscle cramps are caused by an electrolyte imbalance, especially between magnesium and sodium chloride. During physical exertion, you lose a large amount of fluids (and electrolytes) through sweating and if you do not hydrate properly, the risk of cramps will increase.
Looks like i need to drink more water.. i can never do that for some reason