Not taken together: Which is healthier, saffron or ginger?

in #health7 years ago

The health benefits of ginger and saffron are well known, but most advise that they should be taken at once.

What is healthier for your body than these two fantastic spices?

Depending on the needs of your body, the Telegraph transmits.

Ginger contains magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper.

Saffron contains: vitamin B6, potassium, iron, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium.

Saffron has more iron than ginger, which is great for people who have low levels of hemoglobin and problems with metabolism.

Ginger helps make vitamins and minerals better absorb, which is important for weak bones and anemia, eliminates cold symptoms, aging spots, strengthens skin, reduces inflammation of the joints, eliminates muscle pains, chills ...

Saffron strengthens immunity and helps with colds, acid secretions, acne and other skin diseases, promotes wound healing, lowers blood sugar levels and bad cholesterol in the blood, helps fight excess kilograms, cleans liver, normalizes menstrual cycle ...

Both of these spices should be included in your diet, so get acquainted with your body and learn when and which spice you should use.


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