in #health7 years ago (edited)

Buckweat is a queen of all cereals. But Green Buckweat is a nature miracle for our health.

Do you know why is it brown or green?

 Brown type is processed by steam, and high temperature has destroyed much of its useful elements. Green buckweat is alive product! It's just sleeping and can be awoken at any time you wish. How? Just give it water!

I'm a fan of sprouted cereals, because only a blind can't see its great use for a human. 

To get green alive sprouts we need just to take some water and some patience)

1. Water green buckweat carefully

2. Put it into water for 6-8 hours

3. Pour water out and let seeds wake up.

4. In 8-10 hours you will see first sprouts!

It's my newborns-)

They can grow very long, 2-3 cm and more! 

Now you can enjoy their delicious taste. Eat them separately or add to your smoothie, coctails, salads... 

just don't boil or fry them! You will kill them!

So what's the use?

Everyone knows that in the state of the first tender sprouts that grain is able to give all its most useful ingredients: vitamins and trace elements. This is due to the fact that germination gives a boost to the awakening of energy, through which the future plant begins to develop. In this case, the complex substances enclosed in the grain break down into simple proteins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, which are much more easily absorbed by our body.

In order to evaluate the usefulness of the product, first of all, let us turn to its chemical composition. 

Buckwheat contains 18 aminoacids and a lot of both macro- and microelements, useful for our body. This combination increases resistance to diseases of the human immune system, improves the structure of the skeleton and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. It is also important that the germinated green buckwheat in fresh form is an excellent cleansing product. When it is used, slags and toxins are eliminated from the body, which is undoubtedly a very important factor.

100 g of sprouted buckweat contains:

 proteins - 12.6 grams; 

fats - 3,3; 

carbohydrates - 62;

water - 14; 

dietary fiber - 1,3.

Phospholipids and unsaturated Omega-3 acids are also present in large quantities in buckwheat sprouts.

So would you like to try buckweat sprouts? Or you have already done it?)

Take care of your health, and it it will take care of you!


Wow!!! This is the first time am hearing of green buckweat. Its so cool, having lots of vitamins which help the body. Thanks for sharing this

I'm glad it was useful) try it)

Yea, I will

Так это сырым надо есть?

конечно!!)это любимая еда сыроедов. слышал про такое направление?)

Слышал. Видел как-то по тв, конечно не для меня такая еда. Можно же каких-то паразитов занести в организм

ну там целая теория на этот счет, все не так просто, взял и сожрал сырое) я много про это читала-изучала, что-то в этом есть определенно. для нас особенно на первый взгляд - дико, конечно, мы всю жизнь все парим-жарим, но если вдуматься, то здравый смысл в этой теории есть.

Ну может быть. Просто если ты выращиваешь все сам то это вариант, а если покупаешь то непонятно что купишь, выращивают ведь с разной химией

Очень интересный пост, сделала репост)


definately going to try it, sprouts are full of lifeforce :)

yes, the best what we can have from food)

Познавательная статья)