My motto is this: If you are going to have a bad habit pick one that will kill you rather quick, those habits that are going to lead you into ill health dependent upon pharmaceutical companies and drain your pocket book will make you wish you had of pick one that killed you quick instead.
It is funny that in moat places, suicide is illegal but, smoking isn't. Isn't it just a slow form of suicide?
I don't actually eat much salt and don't add it to cooking, haven't for years. But from what I have heard, the correlation between heart disease and salt intake is very low. When it comes to heart disease and saturated fat, it is only when ther is sugar present in the system that it becomes a problem. Perhaps it is the same with salt and some other enzyme created by something else. My point is that the system is highly complex and adding in more complexity is inevitably going to lead to more points of potential weakness. It doesn't matter what the system is, complexity adds risk.