Every person, exactly every person can answer that simple question and the answer with No doubts will be:"No".
What does that mean ?
It is already proved that water has an ability to be programmed. That means that if I take 2 glasses of water and if I talk to the first one saying "Happiness" and to the other "Killing" and than I freeze this water and shoot the water crystal, I will see 2 different structures. The first one beautiful, shiny and nice...the second ugly & amorph.
It is very well known in physics that only well-shaped crystals have excellent characteristics of transfer of energy, heat, healthy substances.
Source: VincentStLouis.com
Source: Wikipedia
If we are 70% of water, than this physical phenomena is characteristic for our body as well. So, now imagine what we bring to our water body when we eat a food that was produced with killing ? Can we remember some food produced by killing ? Meat, Fish, Eggs...
Can we imagine what happens to our body when we scream at it ? Horror. So, when an animal was killed, that poor creature was screaming and felt stress and that vibration of screaming & stress is inside the meat body. When a person eats meat then is the same as it is eating infront of screaming & killing. That vibration enters our system & literally kills our water body.
Why ? It is very simple.
Our body is not only water 70% but is also consiated of 2 bodies physical & subtle. Subtle body is consisted of false ego, intelligence & mind on one side and it is called subtle because, in physical way is consisted of energies with their own frequencies & vibrations.
Those energies are few different bodies like mental, emotional, astral, aurical, eteric...
Sp, imagine how our positive vector of energy reacts towards another vector of screaming energy ?
It reacts in that way that it feels stress. Simple as that.
What about other food ?
In many traditions other food is "programmed". By other food we mean fruits, seeds, nuts, vegetables,...By programming, we mean entering or upgrading positive vibration inside the food by the most sophisticated energy of prayer, helped by the Greatest.
Because other food, consisted of water, under bad influence of the person that cooks it, can consist bad vibration from the person's bad thoughts, energies,...etc. In that way, by process of deprogramming or re-programming food's vibration is changed to exalted frequencies.
The same is happening with person's bad karma. Part of the bad karma of the cooker, in a shape of bad frequency is upgraded in a body of the person eating that who also has bad karma.
So, the process of prior food cleansing or making it reprogrammed or conscious is more than needed.
Conclusion: There is a proverb: "We are what we eat". As our tendency is to become conscious intelligent beings than we shoul enter our body only food that is conscious in order to prosper & advance. Advance means better character, better character means better habbits and better habbits mean better life full of material & spiritual abundance.
Your words make me reflect and maybe I read it to my whole family several times, now I remember all those animals dying and I feel sorry for me, we are programmed to eat animals and that will be difficult to undo, even knowing how harmful it can be.
On the other hand I would never have thought of the negative energy that comes with a bloody death, I have a great belief in the energies and always try to move around the good ones, but your idea makes me think, thank you for sharing.
Excuse my English, I use a translator.
No, problem, excellent explanation...Thanks
You are absolutely right. I stopped eating meat and chicken. Fish I do sometimes, but I avoid that generally. I try to follow raw food diet, because I feel that it is the best for our body. And also I feel very sad that so many animals have to suffer to keep us happy. But what a happiness! The most people dont even appreciate it.
Now I put my water in a clay jar to filter it and dont buy it from the market anymore.
The vibration, we eat vibration of killing plus hormones, additives and for that reason I haven't been eating meat, eggs, fish for 7 years now
The proverb you mention "We are what we eat" is a universal law. Our body shows the traces of what we consume. The third law of Newtonian physics applies perfectly in this case of action and reaction. Conscious food is just as healthy food. Unconscious food is equal to disease. Greetings.
Yes, you joined the laws perfectly...
It is true that now a days chickens are up bring rapidly by genetic engineering,where through inserting different genes not only their growth rapidly increase but also increase their power to give more eggs per day,same is case with cows and others.So it is good to eat vegetables rather than meat...
Thanks, I agree for the same reason and for the insertion of ugly vibration while eating meat...Science...
This post has received a 10.96 % upvote from @boomerang.
great post , very informatif and usefully @tatjanastan , you have upvote and resteem from @arijuang , tomorrow is water day..
I love your perspective toward the idea of waster in our bodies! I haven't ever thought aboutbthe condition of the water and its ability to move energy. Be well!
Science, 70% of our body is water...
So it's better to plant good deeds to gain good karma
Yes, You are right...Plant good saw good
Thanks for Your offer 😍