This is one of the most serious health issue of our day.
Mercury has been identified as one of the top 10 most problematic pollutant according to a Blacksmith Institute 2011 study, yet 24/7 off gassing in people's mouth isn't a problem according to health authorities.
Anyone who gave any serious look at the medical literature on the subject will come to a very different conclusion and will also end up seriously questioning the intent or sanity of these same health authorities.
I have so much to say about this subject. Thank you for bring it up. I'll do my fair share to inform people on this subject at some point.
I'd love to see #7 amended. Not all root canals are filled with mercury.
I'll try to share this to try to give this important information more visibility.

We intend to continue addressing this subject because, as there is an overwhelming amount of evidence out there about the toxicity of mercury, yet it remains standard practice! Some people are not even aware that there is mercury in their mouth!Thanks for your input, @teamsteem! This is truly one of the most serious health issues today.
Thank you for adding so much valuable information! This needs to be discussed so it becomes common knowledge.
Hi @gardenofeden I've published an article about you, check it out, if you can, thanks.
26 Best Steemit Bloggers Of The Day To Follow 31st July 2017
The power of this testimony by journalist Stacy Case is beyond what I can express. (Starts at 2minutes)
wow thanks for sharing!
Study reveals 120+ million exposed to unsafe levels of mercury from fillings
Very good info to add at the end of this great post from @gardenofeden. Thanks @teamsteem!
Really important supplemental info!!! Thanks indeed, @teamsteem!
Indeed there should be proof of safety before implementing such practices on people. It's unbelievable that even though the proof that amalgams are NOT safe, mercury is still being used on a daily basis--and people are having to pay to get poisoned. I'm grateful that there are some people awakened to these facts and willing to stand up and make a point about it so those who are more complacent and/or in denial will get a chance to have the question raised.
Show me proof it's not😛
Start by researching the links provided.
Also thanks for the editing suggestion, will take that.
Love you!OMG @teamsteem though this is so disgusting and horrific thank you so much for sharing and making this important post even better. You truly are a TeamSteem!!
Yes @teamsteem!!! Way to chime in and amp up the conversation!! This is a subject that deserves a lot of attention as it affects the health of many, and so many people are unaware. It seems you have done your research and see clearly the detrimental affects of mercury. It's extremely sad that this is standard practice, especially since the evidence clearly shows how dangerous it is. I'm grateful for your presence here and engagement on this post.
No amalgam is used in root canals !
Intentional or not, amalgam can definitely end up in the root canal space.
It" may end up" not intentionally. It is not ised in root canal treatment!
I expressed myself poorly. Root canals aren't filled with amalgams but aren't there tooth with some root canals that can still have amalgams? I'm not 100% sure but I think so.
Yes, there are many people who have had root canals where the hole left behind is filled with amalgam then covered with either the crown or the filling. I think number 7 meant to imply that if your dentist uses amalgam fillings there is a good chance you have some lurking underneath there. I am part of a Facebook group for people trying to detox from this mercury toxicity, since I myself had 15 of them at one point, and I personally know hundreds of people this has happened to. It is inaccurate to say that no amalgam is used in root canals. Most of those people are even sicker because once the root is gone and mercury is in the hole where it used to be then it comes in direct contact with the tissue. Many of these people have very large infections at the site underneath what is left of the tooth.