Don't be scared. Now you are empowered with knowledge. Imagine if you would have received this information after having them place. There are braces made out of some polymers I think, at least there is one alternative to the very nasty nickel braces.
By the way dentist will most probably tell you there isn't any problem with nickel braces but just investigate for yourself.
As @quinneaker said, I recommend holistic dentist. Holistic is just a title some dentist have given themselves to differenciate from dentist who don't recognized the scientific literature on the dangers of the use of mercury in dentistry.
I've spent hundreds of hours reading about it. The 2 books covers above are only 2 of more than 5 others well referenced books I've read on the subject.
Also whether or not you already have other metal in your mouth these nickel braces will produce galvanic currents.
I had several fillings already,, but I didn't know what are they made of .... and I am about to start orthodontic treatment soon.. so may I ask what material is safer than nickel?
Yup. Ask them. The safer ones are white and looks better. Well I'm not 100% sure of this but just ask them not to have metal. Just make sure to not be confrontational with them.
If you're saying, nickel is cancerous and lashes out at them, then they'll be very defensive and this won't lead to a good interaction.
Just say you feel better with a safer or more bio-compatible material than nickel. I think there might be some in titanium also which are more bio-compatible but you would still have the problem of 2 metals creating huge galvanic current.
Polymers are very strong nowadays and I'm pretty sure polymers can be used as material for braces.
Here is the reply from my dentist:
The brackets are clear and made from sapphire. The wire components will change throughout the treatment. Andras would be happy to discuss the materials with you at ecah stage and fit a suitable material should you have a preference or any allergies.
I have added a link below with information regarding the braces:
I wouldn't be concerned by sapphire and ceramics. But I think the wire could be in titanium as there is a product named titanium wire on the page.
I know titanium is more bio-compatible than nickel which mean titanium is less toxic than nickel. Anything foreign, implanted in the body will have a level of toxicity. The idea is to find the less toxic option or manageable one.
I think titanium might not be such a problem on the chemical side but the problem would be with the galvanic currents I mentioned and I would asked your orthodontist if they have non metal wired that can be used instead of a metal wire.
The quote below states that 2 different metal in the mouth can lead to electric current 100 to 1000 times stronger than the naturally occurring one in the brain. This can happen from only amalgams as amalgam are made with more than one metal.
Braces will clearly make it worst.
Be forwarned that some insurance companies will not pay for the white fillings though for your health you should should avoid the mercury amalgam fillings. I once heard that Dentists have some of the worst cardiovascular disease mortality rates because of inhaling the dust while drilling filled cavities. If you want to know more follow me since I'll likely be writing up on the simple science behind mercury toxicity soon about how it impacts the cardiovascular system, neurotransmitters, and makes free radicals.