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RE: Over 30,000 Scientists Say ‘Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming’ is a Complete Hoax and Science Lie

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Okay. But animals are dying at an extinction level rate. Whether it's man made is insignificant. Ice caps melt (hence why there were ice ages) and if you read the article below you'll see what that means. Slight earth changes like this will leave hundreds of thousands homeless, they get their water from glacier springs and when they are gone there will be NO WATER. Climate refugees from all over will need to go somewhere, which will then take up those resources. You see, not matter you position we need to take care of this planet and it's waters for OUR sake, livelihood and future. Climate denial usually goes hand in hand with capitalistic "progress" orientated ideas,
and THAT is the problem, resources are finite. If you're half way educated you would know how much food is thrown away in the U.S, when people are starving. Capitalism is violence.