New Study Suggests Blood Proteins May Be Useful in Testing for Autism

in #health7 years ago


One of the biggest problem with psychiatric and developmental disorders is having some kind of biological method of testing for them.

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Blood markers for Autism?

This is particularly so with developmental conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) because earlier diagnosis can help with management and may improve the outcome and quality of life for the patient and family.

A new open access study by Singh et al [1] from The Journal of Neuroinflammation suggests that two blood tests (TSH and IL-8) in combination could be an accurate diagnostic test.

You can access the study here.

I will keep this brief. If you are interested in the subject please read the paper.

The Study


The researchers tested the blood of 30 boys with ASD and 30 typical boys (controls) to look for differences in various blood markers.


2 blood proteins showed the greatest difference in the groups.

Overall 11 blood tests were found to differ significantly between the two groups.

The two tests that differed the most were TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone, which was lower in ASD vs controls) and IL-8 (interleukin 8, which was higher in ASD vs controls).

TSH is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. It is very important in growth and neurological development.

IL-8 is a substance involved in inflammation - it has a variety of functions which relate to immune function and it has previously been associated with ASD.

Before discussing the most important results we need to have a quick discussion about the issues of sensitivity and specificity:

A Quick Explanation of Sensitivity and Specificity


Often Sensitivity and Specificity are a careful balancing act.

Sensitivity is how good a test is at detecting a particular disease.

So a sensitivity of 90% would mean that the test could detect 90% of cases.

However this does not tell us about how good the test is at excluding people who don't have the disease i.e. how accurate it is.

Specificity measures how how good the test is at differentiating between those who have the disease and those that don't.

For example a specificity of 50% would mean that only half of the people that get a positive result actually have the disease. That means there is a high rate of false positives.

Obviously having a high sensitivity is important so you don't miss cases but you also need to have a high specificity to so you don't subject people to unnecessary treatment or suffering (particularly in cases where the treatment may be harmful e.g. cancer).

Sensitivity/Specificity for TSH and IL-8 in this Study

Whilst both the TSH and IL-8 in these cases seemed to exhibit a relatively high sensitivity (~94%), the specificities were lower at(55-60%).


Combining the tests increased the Specificity.

However by combining the tests the sensitivity went down slightly to 89% (still a good figure) but more importantly the sensitivity went up to 75%.

This is actually quite impressive for blood testing.

This suggests that a combined test could prove useful in screening children.


As with most studies of these kinds there are some problems:

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Small samples are often a problem.

Sample Size

One of the primary issues is the common foe of small sample size.

The initial samples involved 30 children each. This was later extended with a few extra cases but still remained small.


Females were not represented.

Boys Only

Further the sample consisted entirely of boys.

The study gives two different reasons for this.

The first is that previous research has suggested that there are differences in the disease process between girls and boys in ASD. I am not sure how correct that is so will defer to the knowledge of the researchers.

The second reason is probably the more well known one of ASD being more common in boys than girls.

Gold Standard Accuracy?


How accurate was the gold standard?

Another important thing to consider is the assessment of accuracy of diagnosis when it comes to the blood tests.

In order to test sensitivity and specificity one needs to compare them to a gold standard test.

An ideal gold standard test would be one that is perfect i.e. 100% Sensitive and 100% Specific.

I'm sure it won't come as a surprise that such a test does not exist.

In this case the diagnosis was made using a specially trained psychologist using standardised autism testing scales for diagnosis.

Obviously one would assume this is an effective test but it won't be perfect and there will always be some degree of subjectivity involved.


Controls were not tested.

Control Testing/Confirmation

Further I did not see any mention of testing or some kind of confirmation amongst the control subjects - whilst one would assume none of them are suffering ASD we can't be sure unless it is specifically examined.

Obviously this could end up skewing the results if any of the controls do have ASD.


Lab methods/statistics.

Laboratory Test Methodology and Statistics

Finally it should be noted that I am not a laboratory testing expert or statistician so there may be further problems in these specific parts of the study that I am not aware of.

I would be interested in the opinions of those who have more experience and training in these domains.


Despite its problems this is an interesting study and these two blood tests could be a valuable tool in testing for ASD.


These findings could help those with ASD and their families with earlier diagnosis.

With this in mind the study authors are already planning a larger study to overcome some of the shortcomings here, including the use of female subjects and possibly combining more blood markers.

Blood testing is a lot cheaper and easier than psychological interviews and whilst it is unlikely to replace them for formal diagnosis it could prove to be a useful screening method.

This may help to identify children who are at higher risk of suffering from or indeed developing ASD at an earlier stage.

The end result may be more effective management and treatment which could have significant long term improvements in quality of life for the patients and their families.

It also provides further clues which may be useful in studying the actual causes of ASD.

I look forward to seeing how well follow up studies replicate these results.

(NB. I'm going out to dinner tonight so there may be a while when I am not able to answer comments right away. In that case I will get to them when I can.)


  1. Singh, Sarika, Umar Yazdani, Bharathi Gadad, Sayed Zaman, Linda S. Hynan, Nichole Roatch, Claire Schutte, C. Nathan Marti, Laura Hewitson, and Dwight C. German. 2017. “Serum Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Interleukin-8 Levels in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Journal of Neuroinflammation 14 (1): 113.

Thank you for reading


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Followed and respect for this awesome article - You can see that you put a lot of work into this post. I am just now doing my doctor thesis and therefore know from first hand how hard it is to make a good, safe and scientifc correct studie.

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Wow...thanks for sharing

I wish you a happy day

Testing drugs has always been a problem. For this reason many animal experiments have been done first.

True but not sure why that is relevant here.

Very interesting! I would like to see more studies on a larger scale done but this is certainly a start in a promising direction. Thanks for posting!

thanks for sharing who would have thought that blood protein has some use
I have a friend that can"t produce protein and was told he will live not more then 10 years he is now 26 years and the oldest living with this problem in the world . He still eats no protein and is a woulderful friend

Sounds like he had a disorder of producing a specific protein? Am glad he is doing well.

This might not be an accepted and standard test yet but I sure hope the potential for it being a diagnostic tool can be verified soon. A family friend's child got diagnosed at 5/6 years of age. They couldnt accept it at first and were in denial for a bit. This will be of great help if ever. Early diagnosis could mean a lot for both the family and child especially with the adjustments that would have to be made to ensure a better quality of care. Thanks for the post.

Thank you. Yes that is what I think too.

Very interesting,my nephew wasnt diagnosed with ASD until he was 15 years old, when it was clearly obvious something was wrong much earlier.

Yes it does get missed sometimes.

The same with my grandson, not until 1st grade. He is on the higher functioning end of the spectrum though, with Aspergers Syndrome. I am a family doctor and we screen children for ASD at 18 months and 24 months with the MCHAT questionnaire. Of course we're on the lookout at every visit.

I'm glad that there are some new ways to identify if someone has autism and how badly they are affected.
It must be the worse just living and hating yourself as you struggle to do specific things other people can do fine or if you act in a certain way that the rest of society doesn't.

Not a science guy but this is surely informative . Resteemed

Thank you!

You are welcome haha

Good work. Seems that many autism cases also comes from GMO foods and dodgy Vaccines. Countries not in the western grip are free from autism.

I don't agree with that.

Many don't amigo - but with research it's hard to disagree with. Peace, ww.

Very thought of post, like details on another dimension. I have a cousin doing studies on the redevelopment of bone structure for hands. I'm into these kind of things, so thanks for sharing! Cheers! FOLLOWED!


Needed info

Good news.. although Autism is such a large scale of determination. Interesting as my close family member was born severely autistic.

Thank you. Hopefully your family member is doing well.

no they have to go to a special school. It's unfortunate already 13 years old. Good heart, good kid.. innocent. Oh well such is life. It's hard on his mom.

Thanks so much for bringing this new development to our attention. I actually learned quite a bit about testing methods for these type of studies from you. Early detection as always has proven to be an effective way to ensure better treatment for Autism as well as other diseases. While this is one study, it collectively adds to our knowledge about this issue.

Thanks - I agree.

I hate these kinds of tests.
I hate them even worse because of the control freak govern-cement that wants to label and forget. Meaning, you are put into a box that you can never get out of, and you lose rights for being in that box.

Currently, the best test for Narcissism is to give the person a page of the most salient points of narcissism and then ask the person, are you a narcissist.

The problem with autism is that the person with it, doesn't know anything but. i.e. If success is measure by how well you climb a tree, then the fish is never going to measure up.

And really, what is needed is to understand "normal". And then be given tools of dealing with normal people. Yes, normal people are insane, and expect you to read between the lines instead of listening to their words.

Sorry you hate them. I like them. I agree about your points about normality vs abnormality though.

Sometimes finding out why a person is behaving in what appears to be a strange or abnormal manner can help to diagnose an issue, and vastly increase not only that person's quality of life but also the knowledge and understanding of those that around them.

This is QUALITY i can say.
Keep good job goin, bro!

Respect for job you have done here :)

You know, many people believe that autism is a disorder... I see them as just different and in a different spiritual place as most of us. I have two nephews that are affected and a friends son as well... they are brilliant, innocent, humanistic (loving and caring), happy and well what is wrong with that?

Maybe one day they will study if "Normal People" that are miserable, crafty, self indulgent are actually those with the disorder.

That is one way of looking at things but not everyone with autism is happy - neither are their families. It can be incredibly distressing and debilitating.

thanks i really learnt a lot from educative post.upvoted

You're welcome!

Interesting... Great post!

Is this the thing that ban for athletes?

No these are different tests - I don't think anyone has used TSH for performance or IL-8.

Thanks for the reply. Just wanted to be not confuse. :-)

As always, a fantastic post @thecryptofiend!

As a medical professional yourself, would you agree that the number of cases of Autism being diagnosed is rising and if so would you please offer your opinion on the reasons for this being so. Is it simply that methods for diagnosis have improved or is there an underlying problem with diet or reaction to vaccines as some suggest?I would love to know your opinion.

Thanks again! Hope your day is going well!

It is hard to say for sure. It may be that diagnosis is better as well as awareness. I remember when I was a kid there were a few people that probably had ASD but it wasn't spotted at the time.

Fascinating and a great read as always @thecryptofiend! I have a nephew and a niece that were diagnosed with autism so I'm always very interested when I see articles about it. Thanks for the breakdown and sharing the info, I'll have to look more into this study :)

I have a new friend on here, a doctor. I'm going to forward this to him and see what he thinks.

Thanks. Who is it?

His name is @ceberalace ... he's a new friend

And judging his response, he likes your work!

Posts like these can help many people who are suffering of these disease and facing lake proteins... Awareness and precautions are the best things to be safe from these kind of diseases...

Not exactly but thanks for commenting.

It sucks that all of these developments occurred after it was too late for me. As a result, my quality of life has suffered immensely. Being somewhere on the spectrum, surely dilutes your quality of life and your chances for success both spiritually and emotionally.

Yes it is sad but hopefully it will help others.

Hello brother @thecryptofiend, Thank you for sharing this news with interest in medical science
My brother apologized to you for the delay and sent $ 100 in batches. Thank God, the problem has been solved. I sold my personal phone + I took a sum from my brother and the problem amount was finished. So only $ 65 will be sent to you. I apologize in stages.

Please there is no need it was a gift. Keep the money. Hope all is well.

Thank you brother, but the problem has been solved, but frankly my brother I do not sleep I took $ 31 here from someone help and also I have been paid 32 times. There is no other than you, but you only have money. 65
So you told me to keep helping someone else and frankly I know who will send it to you brother but apologize will be in stages
If your final decision I do not send it to you (I will turn it into energy to raise the value of the vote and help others during the vote because I am interested in raising the value of the vote here by purchasing if the availability or authorization of energy from users)
Once again thank you brother

Yes please keep it.

thank you brother

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Good read and useful information. Thanks for sharing! I have a relative that might find this useful as well :D

Thanks glad you found it useful!

Great post. Very informative and organized. Resteemed!

So great

You do a nice job of presenting this in a way that a "regular guy" can understand. At least this is a first step in trying to diagnose ASD. I hope they get the funding they need to do a larger study.

I think they already have it.

My oldest daughter has Aspergers spectrum , we didn't find out until she was around 9, would have been better finding out earlier

Yes hopefully these kind of tests will allow that.

Better for future parents

A great review of an interesting study! And you explained the basics of medical statistics here, which deserves its own credit.
I was actually impressed by the high sensitivity, 94% - very few tests have it that high, AFIK. The value of high sensitivity test is: if negative, it excludes the disease (well, makes very unlikely if the test is not 100% sensitive) . I am sure it would be a relief to many parents to know that (and maybe look for other causes of child behavior)

Thank you! Yes 94% is very high most tests are a lot lower in sensitivity.

Your posts The best Quality post regarding medicine and other things whatever you post!
Being Myself a Medico i Really salute your post!
hello from Nepali medico!!!

Thanks for writing this , came to knew about this today thanks again

thanks i agree^^

Now that's a lot of effort into this! Well done! upvoted and resteemed of course, why wouldnt I ? worth every penny of it! aloha Al

I am clinical psychologist, and I know that every mental illness has biological basis. I agree to these findings @thecryptofiend