☑☑☑ Base running Fundamentals and Coaching Tips

in #health9 years ago

Base running Fundamentals and Coaching Tips

  • The 1st and 3rd base coach should know the count and number of outs in the game. Communicate
    this constantly with base runners.
  • Know your players running ability and teach them to understand the game by telling them the
    why’s of each situation.
    Running Technique
  • Drive with legs and arms – keep arms in, bent elbows, opposition of legs
    Lead Off- Rocker Step
  • Left foot on the front of the bag, right foot beside, arms bent 90-120 degrees
  • Body low, eyes on pitcher
  • As the pitcher moves into her motion rock back staying low and stepping towards 2nd so that
    when the pitcher releases the left foot just leaves the bag.
  • 3 steps on first and third, 4-5 steps on second.
  • Stay low in athletic position
  • Keep your eyes on the ball AT ALL TIMES
  • Once catcher throws to pitch runner returns to base quickly with EYES ON BALL.
    Diving back to Base
  • Important runners stay low so they move and get down quicker.
  • ALWAYS teach runners to dive back with right arm to the base with back of head to the ball.
  • Legs in figure 4, lying back so upper back touches ground. Beginners cross arms over chest. Head
    tucked in
  • To check which leg should be tucked in the figure 4 gently push player forward the foot they step
    forwards with is the foot they will lead the slide. The other leg will be tucked in.
  • ADVANCED: Pop up slide – push off the ground with tucked foot.
    Basic Situations – Hand out for Coach and players
    1B Run through
  • As soon as a player has made contact with a ball teach them to take off to first base focusing on
    sprinting right through the bag.
  • Straight Line – must get there as quickly as possible. Touch the front half of the base with either
  • Break down (chop up steps & lower your center of gravity to stop quickly)
  • Don’t angle off or peel to the right.
  • If the ball is hit hard right at RF, run thru 1B.
    1B Single
  • Single to the outfield – make the turn to 2B.
  • Pick a point outside of the baseline and head to that point.
  • Avoid a large question mark or banana turn it wastes time.
  • Touch inside corner of the base & go hard toward 2B until the defense stops you.
  • When returning to the base, Keep your eyes on the ball!
    Runner on 1B – 3 step lead
  • No signal given – explode off the base as if you are stealing. Take 3 aggressive steps then square
    up. (Should be no more than a step & a body length to dive back). Every time you leave a base the
    defense should think you are stealing. Whenever you are off a base, Keep your eyes on the ball!
  • Steal – Anticipate the release of the ball. Straight line to second and slide away from the ball.
  • Bunt (Sacrifice) – delay lead so that first step lands as the ball is being bunted. If the ball is down,
    continue to second, if ball is popped up or missed, square up on 3rd step. Don’t get picked off!
  • Fly Balls – Only tag up if runner is going to advance. Get off far enough to get back safely or
    advance if ball is dropped or missed. Must extend off first on line drive to CF. Assume it will drop
    for a base hit and anticipate.
  • Line Drives – Freeze.
  • Hit (slap) and run – This is a steal situation except the runner needs to glance toward home
    between 2nd & 5th step to see if the ball is in the air. If it is missed, be ready to slide at 2B just like
    stealing. Use a “HOT” sign for hit & run, this lets’ the base runner know to check the plate.
  • Base Hit – ball in front of you, your decision. Directly at an OF, get to 2B. If the ball is hit behind
    you, pick up your 3B coach.
    Runner on 2B – 5 step lead
  • No signal given – explode off the base as if you are stealing. Pick a spot 6-8 ft. to outfield side of 3B
    and head to it. Square up on 5th step. Think score on all base hits unless 3B coach holds runner.
  • Bunt – Straight line to 3B and read bunt, if corners get the ball quickly, stop. If ball stays down,
    continue to 3B. Never slide into a tag!
  • Flyballs – look to tag when in RF. Same as 1B on other balls.
  • Line Drives – Freeze.
  • Groundballs – general rule is to advance on a ball that you can get in front of. Right side of infield,
    advance. Left side of infield, make sure the ball is thru or thrown to 1B. Must advance with runners
    on 1B & 2B.
  • Steal – same rule as 1B.
  • With a slapper at the plate – don’t run into a tag, make it tough on the defense.
    Runner on 3B – 3 step lead
  • No signal given – down in foul territory, back in foul territory. Don’t get called out for leaving too
  • Groundballs – directly at pitcher or 3B, freeze. Right side of infield, advance. Left side in hole(by
    second base), advance. If you get hung out, get caught in a rundown. Don’t be a sure out from 3B.
  • Fly Balls – 3B coach will help. Always be ready to tag.
  • Line Drives – freeze.
  • Bunt (squeeze) – Anticipate, release and go. Be ready to slide.
  • Passed balls, be aggressive but know your field, your self, and game situation. 3B coach will give
    you guidance here.