
In the past, I've tried Imitrex -- and it DID help as I was having some intense pain. Severe. It reduced it a lot, yet I still had a #Headache.

That was a #migraine, and I did not catch it early - which is 1 of the keys, I feel.

Nowadays, i use natural remedies - such as Peppermint (essential oil & peppermint in pill form). Also I use #Lavender candles.

And of course, the trusty ice bag.

Rarely do I go to a doctor for a headache. Usually just solve myself.

Thanks for the video tips ! I will keep acupuncture in mind.

I remember one when I was a kid, was to pinch the nerve between your hand and you index finger... It never really worked

there are many types of headaches you need to find what is the type you have and then find out how to treat it . also it is never bad to try something like yoga even if it doesn't help the treat headache its useful in other ways