Yes. I have seen him speak in numerous YouTube Videos. If you want to know where god meets science simply replace "Probabilities" with "EXPECTATION/(faith)" in the double slit experiment.
Niels Bohrs only error was thinking probabilities could calculate quantum collapse, when it is our group expectation that dictates our dream "reality". Here is a link to a video on Double Slit in a cartoon version... Just replace probabilities with expectation and the entire world makes sense.
Here is a link to a 5 minute cartoon on that experiment. It is considered the greatest mystery of our time. Hope it is of interest. Wayne Hilborn
Thanks, I'm aware of this as well, I have looked at many of these videos explaining the experiment as well as the quantum eraser delayed choice :)
Hi Shieha,
I do discuss the "Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser" and how our incoherent history is why we can manifest things without physical effort.
This was the blog (Link Below) where i discussed that. I am unsure if you had seen this blog posting, but if you have not... it may be of interest.
I always try to answer questions when time permits.