Whenever you think about losing weight, often make the same mistakes and it is that they remove many types of food from their diet list. At the same time, the other also gives less food. But the new study of Penn State University has revealed that it is the most efficient way to lose weight, more food to your favorite healthy food. Eating less is a good option to eat healthy food. Earlier studies also revealed that people often eat processed and junk food such as biscuits, snack etc., that they become victims of malnutrition and obesity.
This research was done on about 100 women. During this period he was given seven different types of calorie food and every week his diet was minimized. Studies have found that people often eat more, when they have more food in their plate and that too without paying much attention to food At the same time, Arthur of Barbara Rolls, Study Co-Arthur and The Ultimate Volumetric Diet, says, "Research has found that in the process of managing your calorie intake, people often get used to eating more quantities Eat. In such a way, it is very difficult to recognize the size of food.
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Some experts say, "Foods with low calorie intake should be reduced to more and more calorie food for weight loss. And by doing so, you will easily lose weight. Our brain is smart at taking the command. Before eating anything whenever we say that we have less food today, our brain automatically gives the command and goes into the rescue mode and adjusts the calories. The result is that our BMR gets reduced. "
Some Expert Healthy Diet Cheats, if you are too conscious about your weight, then this trick can prove to be beneficial for you.
- Include yogurt instead of lassi.
- Boil boiled and steamed vegetables in the place of fried vegetables in the fried and myonis.
- Eating dates is better than eating traditional sweets.
- It is good to eat bhels made from Murmur, try a bowl sprouts Bhel, which is rich in fiber.
- Full cream milk or paneer is a good choice toned milk and paneer. Fried chicken and fish instead of grilled chicken and fish
You can try.
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